Recent content by CrazyChickenLady200

  1. C

    How did I get a paint silkie?

    Any ideas as to what it will look like when it's older?
  2. C

    How did I get a paint silkie?

    Here's the chick, I can only post the one picture right now as it takes forever to upload on my phone, lol.
  3. C

    How did I get a paint silkie?

    Hey guys, wondered if someone with any knowledge of silkie genetics could help me out? We hatched out a silkie recently that by all accounts looks like a paint silkie chick... The thing is, neither of her parents are paint. The mother is white and the father is buff coloured? The person we got...
  4. C

    Broodies stealing each other's eggs?

    Hey guys, I have a silkie hen named Olive who went broody about a week ago. About three days ago, another one of my silkie hens went broody (her name's Dover). We're wanting to let the hens hatch out some chicks, but the problem is this: Dover can't seem to decide whether she wants to sit with...
  5. C

    Shipping eggs question

    Hello, I am intending to purchase hatching eggs from a hatchery/farm. My question is, is it better to ship eggs by air rather than post/mail or do they both cause just as much negative effect on the eggs? What are the usual hatch rates from either option? The air shipping would be from west jet...
  6. C

    Egg positioning in lockdown

    hey, just wondering what is the best position to lay the eggs in at lockdown? I have already decided to lay them on their side but wondering if I should position them in a clutch or as far apart as possible? Thanks
  7. C

    Where to get an incubator thermostat in Newfoundland?

    Possibly. I will look into it. Thanks
  8. C

    Where to get an incubator thermostat in Newfoundland?

    Hi, just wondering where I could purchase a wafer thermostat or other thermostat type, for a homemade incubator, in Newfoundland? Thanks
  9. C

    Looking for anywhere/anyone who sells silkies in/near Newfoundland? Also looking for RIR roo and hen

    I am looking for a hatchery (in Canada), or breeder (in Newfoundland or even Atlantic Canada) that sells show quality (APA Standard) silkies or silkie chicks. Also looking for a heritage Rhode Island Red rooster and/or hen, around a year old (in Newfoundland). Thanks
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    Thanks, all.
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    Hi, I'm new to being a member of Backyard Chickens. We live in Newfoundland, and we have 14 chickens, 4 roosters and 10 hens, they are Bielefelders, Spitzhaubens, Rhode Island Reds, and Silkies. We got 12 of them in March last year as chicks, and got 2 of them in July. So glad to have them, and...
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