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  • Yes, I guess we should all spend a little less time on the internet LOL :) X2! I am soo excited about winter!! :D I am glad your flock is well, but I am sorry for all of the roosters :(
    I hate when roosters are aggressive, because their still your "babies" but they might be hurting your other babies so you usually have to get rid of them :( That is what I had to do with my RSL rooster Colonel Sanders, I rehomed in September last year- I still miss him even though he was mean.

    I have 28 chickens, (not enough! lol) You have a great week too! *HUGS*
    Hi! How are you? I apologize for not talking for so long. Yes, 84* is hot. But it supposed to start storming pretty soon and the temperature is supposed to drop, and the high for tomorrow is supposed to be 61* YAY! (celebrating emoji) :D
    Yes, it has been hot but (hopefully) it will plummet back into coldness (I assume its a word :D) Thanks! The flock is doing well. How is your flock? Have a great evening! *HUGS*
    yeah, all my chicken beg from me :p i went to go hang out with the chickens just now, and i noticed a pattern. when i pick up a chicken and talk to it and what not, after i set the chicken down Sunshine will come and peck me hard. i'm not sure if she just wants attention,is jealous, or is trying to defend the other hen because sometimes they don't like being picked up. she just bit my finger really bad a few minutes ago. she used the bite down (which doesn't really hurt) and shake her head trick. it doesn't hurt bad at first, but then starts to bleed and hurt :(
    Its fine, don't worry about it. :) Yes, cool weather! But it is supposed to be back up to about 84* this week :( Its usually very cool at night but its warmer in the day. Wow, ice? We had the first frost a few weeks ago but not since. Oh no, I hope your ducks don't get sick :( I don't know much about ducks so I don't know what it is either. Aww, Adele is so cute! Thanks right back at you! You have a great week as well! *HUGS*
    cool! yeah, she's a buff :D she is really mean to me, and will challenge me, she is at the bottom of the pecking order and knows i'm nice to her and she thinks if she beats me she will be top, and be in charge of Tweeter. but she takes nice pics!
    Hello Duckgirl! Sorry, its been a while since I've been on BYC (Been super busy) and I only just saw your message about the eggs in the incubator yesterday. How about you check out this article its about the chicks that hatched:

    Could you please let me know if you can see the pictures? I spent ages doing the article and adding pics but the pictures only show up on my end when I press edit...

    How are you?
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