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  • Thanks! Oh, I thought you were a fan. That is how I am with a lot of things :)
    Aww, your soo sweet! But I still think you deserved it more! (are we going to keep doing this until one of us can't take it anymore and finally says they deserved it more! LOL Just joking! :D)
    Yes, it is cooling down! YAY! I love fall and winter (as you can read in my ICQ :) Its supposed to get down to 43* tonight!!! Well, its not coat weather but its jacket weather And the trees haven't started changing colors yet, there are a few but not many :(
    *HUGS* To you too!! :)
    Hi! Thanks! That's Pickle in my avatar and Bibby in my profile pic. Yes, I like the movies, but I'm not much of a Chronicles of Narnia fan, are you? Thanks! You deserved your badge more than I ever could! :) You have a fantastic weekend as well! *HUGS*
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