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  • Oh no! I never forgot Geese, they just rank way below the other critters on the list. They are even below ducks! I owned geese once. It was a huge mistake. I paid 9 bucks a piece for them. raised them 4 months and sold them all for 10 bucks. (7 of them) and I still came out ahead of the guy that bought them.
    My chickens don't really care about the cold, they just like it when its not HOT. We did get snow last year but not til January and February :( Plus last year it was in the 70's Christmas day and it was POURING the rain. :(
    We don't listen to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving too, it just doesn't feel like Christmas until Thanksgiving turkey or its cold :) lol
    Ha ha!! You have a great day out there!! *HUGS*
    How in the world do you remember all your chicken names? I would have a problem with that many, you have a real good memory
    I might get a couple ducks next year, I wanted to have some this year but I had surgery and I could not have looked after them, my hubby would have but he doesn't baby them like I do.
    Hubby horse Kashtin is his name is an appaloosa x tennessee walker, we have had him since he was 2 and he is now 15 years old. For my donkey Zeek, because he is a mammoth they say they do not live as long as standard or mini who live to be 40 sometimes. I hope to have him for a long time yet. I got him 10 years ago, poor guy has a broken ear from being roughly handled. Just my kind of animal to have the rescued ones
    I'm good, I know I ask my chickens that all the time!! :D 30's and 40's? Wow, that's cold!!
    It has finally warmed up to 48*! And its lunch time!! :D lol
    Its also windy. My Leghorns and roosters don't like it. Do your chickens like the cold weather? My favorite thing about winter? I like the snow, sledding, snowball fights, Christmas, Christmas music, etc. What do you like about winter?
    *HUGS* back at you too! :)
    Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred Fred (inserting emoji of running around here)
    I didn't get any wascley wabbits. I didn't drink more than a pot of coffee ... Or two today. Not really Christmas. LOL
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