Recent content by elch

  1. elch

    Newly Hatched Chick (and problems)

    Every thing sounds exactly as it should be you could feed and water it any time from hatching until three days from hatching.
  2. elch

    Ordinance Help Fenton MI

    Article 2 Definitions Agriculture and horticulture - The commercial production, harvesting and storage of farm products or animals on a farm and the farm operations typically performed thereto, as defined in the Michigan Right looks like your not comercial
  3. elch

    Pullet won't free range

    I don't think it's a problem if that's were she want's to be, if you want her to go out just don't feed her in the run at all.
  4. elch

    Goodbye, dream of Silkies... not kosher, sorry. :-(

    Predatory birds can be kosher. Eating habits that make a bird not kosher, is only if it kills it's prey in a certain way. It has been debated since the middle ages what that way is.
  5. elch

    Goodbye, dream of Silkies... not kosher, sorry. :-(

    You explain things very well. Just one small correction. The reason we don't eat eggs with blood spots is either because there is a chick that started developing or just because we can't eat blood. Fertilized eggs are kosher.
  6. elch

    Eeeek, a venomous snake!

    is that what they call in your area צפע ארצישראלי?
  7. elch

    Help my baby chickens were left out in rain all night.

    chickens don't hate water, but they can't swim and do not play in the water
  8. elch

    Can My Female Muscovies Mate With Other Duck Breefs?

    sorry I was thinking about male muscovies I don't know about females
  9. elch

    Can My Female Muscovies Mate With Other Duck Breefs?

    yes but the offspring probably won't be fertile
  10. elch

    what breed is this rooster?

    thank you all
  11. elch

    Chick a Booms my baby girls!

    lock them in the house with food and water for a few days, then they will treat it as home.
  12. elch

    what breed is this rooster?

    could it be that its grandparents were marketed from a hatchery as a high production rir, and the other breeds genes are now coming out?
  13. elch

    Can I mix breeds

  14. elch

    Pools and Ducks?

    they dirty the water
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