Recent content by Fambnb

  1. Fambnb

    Hen sitting on eggs even if I don't have a rooster, what to do?

    Hi everyone, I have a hen that decided to sit on eggs since yesterday! I have no rooster, so what to do so she next. This morning I had to go see if there was eggs and yes she is sitting on eggs. Oups I took them, was it a good idea or not, what should I do next time. Thanks, Michel and...
  2. Fambnb

    Silkie male or female, help me all of you expert!!!

    I have a Red Silkie that is between 20 and 24 weeks old that have not yet lay any eggs. My Amaraucana, which was born at the same time started to lay a week ago. When my dog goes outside and goes near the run, the Red Silkie is following the dog like it's chasing the dog. I am wondering if it...
  3. Fambnb

    Little one got beaten by other hens!

    Thank you Qi Chicken for the fast response! Roussette is currently in the garage in a dog cage with some extra area so she can exercise a little bit. My coop is 4x4, with 2 nesting boxes, one roost. I think I can organise something inside to allow Roussette to have 1/3 of the area inside the...
  4. Fambnb

    Little one got beaten by other hens!

    Hi, My name is Michel, I am from Quebec, Canada. This is a new experience for us, as we started two months ago the chicken business. We have acquired three hens from a co-worker, a cross bread Americauna/rumpless (Cadbury), an Americauna (Grisoune) and a little Red Silky (Roussette). So far so...
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