Recent content by foamyownsyou

  1. foamyownsyou

    Hawks :(

    Don't regret it and have compassion to those amazing birds of prey
  2. foamyownsyou

    Hawks :(

    Need to? You can't it's a felony
  3. foamyownsyou

    Hawks :(

  4. foamyownsyou

    Hawks :(

    Dd you release him
  5. foamyownsyou

    Can you feed chickens steak?

    Yep not going to do that again cause that was my last tostada
  6. foamyownsyou

    Air Gun for Dispatching Raccoons?

    Use a .25 cal pellet rifle and you need a hunting license
  7. foamyownsyou

    Please help: geese killed daily!

    -face palm- it ain't a coon dude and really kill them like its nothing seriously one of the reasons I left Texas was people who have so sentiment in killing I shouldn't really be talking cause I go hunting but really ?
  8. foamyownsyou

    Can you feed chickens steak?

    My chickens accidentally got into my tostada and ate chicken that was on it
  9. foamyownsyou

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Is this even English ? I can't understand this post at all
  10. foamyownsyou

    Hawks :(

    When I was little my grandma had two peacocks meanest dang things I've ever met
  11. foamyownsyou

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Hmmm maybe my grandma gave them to me and my girlfriend when we were in Texas over the week and she didn't tell me what breed they were
  12. foamyownsyou

    Hawks :(

    Plastic owls work great at keeping them away if you move them everyday
  13. foamyownsyou

    Hawks :(

    Yes birds of prey feature reverse sexual dimorphism which is where the female are larger than the males
  14. foamyownsyou

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Gatita our unknown chicken And pollita Our other unknown chicken breed
  15. foamyownsyou

    Where to get quail in so cal

    Yes I do
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