Recent content by GigiAndClaire

  1. GigiAndClaire

    Egg laying span

    thank you for your input!!
  2. GigiAndClaire

    Egg laying span

    How long do chickens live and how long will they produce eggs?
  3. GigiAndClaire

    family farm egg maker by manna pro

    I was very excited to see that our WalMart was now carrying other animal foods and supplies especially when they were made by Manna Pro! Much to my disappointment when I got home with my Egg Layer and poured it into the storage container it was more dust than crumble :( it looked like the bottom...
  4. GigiAndClaire

    bird flu

    Thank you Jean this is very helpful :)
  5. GigiAndClaire

    bird flu

    So I have been reading about all the outbreaks of Bird Flu and was wondering how it is spread and if humans can catch it from their flock? My chickens are kept in a stall in my barn and do not free range outside. Also the nearest chickens to me are 1/2 mile away. The closest large operation to...
  6. GigiAndClaire

    Broody Hen Thread!

    So really new to this I assume I have a broody Banty hen she sits on big eggs and I move her to get them out and put her back and she continues to sit on nothing. What would happen if I let her sit on the eggs in the coop and dont move her out? I have a rooster so how long do they sit before the...
  7. GigiAndClaire

    No eggs....Are my hens too old?

    so how long do chickens live on average and how many eggs are each able to give in a lifetime?
  8. GigiAndClaire

    laying eggs

    I have 5 Red Pullets,5 Bantys and one Banty rooster. The Banty's stopped laying back in late oct but the Red's continue to lay! I have been getting 4-6 eggs per day even thru the coldest spell ! My question is my feeding program. I only feed layer crumbles and table scraps. My neighbor commented...
  9. GigiAndClaire

    Preparing Your Flock & Coop for WINTER

    I live in middle tennessee and have 6 Bantys and 5 Red Pullets? they are big anyways! lol as you can see I am new to the chicken world. They are all about 7 months old. Saw the idea of the heated dog bowls and was wondering if the chickens bothered the wire for it or how you place it in with...
  10. GigiAndClaire

    first timers

    happy to be new chicken owners!! bought my granddaughter (she's 3) 11 chickens the end of March from tsc 6 red pulletts and 5 bantams! really expected some to not make it but they all survived!! lol we can use all the help we can get! made one of the hrse stalls into a coop by lining with...
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