Recent content by GrizFan

  1. GrizFan

    My coop

    We can pick it up and move it very easily -- the whole thing weighs about 100 pounds. The plan is to move it every week or so till it gets too late in the winter. Then we can move it over one of the flower beds by the garage, which will shelter it, allow easy access for electricity, and make...
  2. GrizFan

    My coop

    Now I just have to wait till the girls can spend the night in it! They've been in the run for recess, then back in the brooder. Only 4 weeks old, not quite feathery enough, plus it's still pretty cold here at night.
  3. GrizFan

    My coop

    Just a little baby house, on a tractor-run.
  4. GrizFan

    What temp do they need in the winter?

    Howdy! Hens in Montana. It gets a mite chilly here in the winter, so I am assuming I will need to monitor the temp in the coop. What's the low-tolerance inside temp for the hens? I found some thermostatically controlled outlets that turn on and off at various temps (35F/45F, 20F/30F, 0F/10F)...
  5. GrizFan

    So what do I put in the nest boxes?

    The boss says we're using wood shavings in the bottom of the coop. What do we put in the nest boxes? Wood shavings? Sand? Flannel sheets? Thanks
  6. GrizFan

    How high will they fly?

    Howdy... The babies are still in the brooder, but moving to the chicken tractor relatively soon. The plan is to let them range about the yard during the day, then back in the tractor in the evening and coop at night, with the "stay in the tractor" option for those long summer days hiking. The...
  7. GrizFan

    The sign said pullets....

    Ruh roh, that sounds like what I am seeing.... How did you know for sure at 4 weeks? LOL tell me he didn't crow already!
  8. GrizFan

    The sign said pullets....

    Well they are 2.5 weeks or so, and I realize that is probably way to early to tell, but..... Our chicken permit says 6 hens, no roosters, so if we end up with a male I'll have to find him another home. We got 4 birds: 2 Rhode Island Reds, a Barred Rock, and a Golden Sexlink. The Barred Rock...
  9. GrizFan

    The sign said pullets....

    I bought 2 Rhode Island Red pullets, but I'm wondering if I got a cockerel and a pullet.... The two look different. Bird A: Larger, lighter in color, short tail feathers, slightly more pronounced comb. Possibly more aggressive. Bird B: smaller, darker in color, longer tail feathers...
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