Recent content by Hengirl12

  1. Hengirl12

    Long live the King - the neverending story of Brahmalot!

    I have been silently watching this for a couple of months and I love it so much and I nev we want it to end!!!!!!!
  2. Hengirl12

    The 2nd Yum or Yuck

    Yum Fried chicken
  3. Hengirl12

    Hi im new to raising chickens

    The whitish one is a cream legbar for sure
  4. Hengirl12

    ♘ SkyHerd ♘ A Wild Horse ℛoleplay

    Name of horse: Dove Sex: Filly Herd: loner Age: yearling Appearance (markings, body type, height, etc. Must be a true color.): Dun Personality: Sweet, but not easily trusting History: She was separated from her stallion and dam in a prairie fire Relatives: none Other: Picture: BYC...
  5. Hengirl12

    Dying out

    Found a way to separate them. This should prevent any further deaths
  6. Hengirl12

    Dying out

    they also kept getting kicked out of the coop by my older chickens
  7. Hengirl12

    Dying out

    The lamp is about 2 1/2 feet off the floor
  8. Hengirl12

    Dying out

    I have a heat lamp in the coop and most of them have all their feathers
  9. Hengirl12

    Dying out

    I saw no blood or broken bones. It has been cool but not freezing. Their poop seamed fine. I have been feeding them starter-grower
  10. Hengirl12

    Dying out

    This morning I went out to my coop and found two of my 3-week-old chicks dead for apparently no reason. Does anyone know what could be causing this?
  11. Hengirl12


    Thanks for all your help
  12. Hengirl12


    Sorry for the fuzzy pictures, my phone won't take good pictures
  13. Hengirl12


    Well I checked on the chick this morning and the bubbles had flattened out and are now green not sure weather this is good or bad.
  14. Hengirl12

    Ѿ ◄ Is this REALLY a Buff Orpington??? ᴽᴥᴽ

    Definitely not a buff Orpington.
  15. Hengirl12


    They are about two weeks old and they got move to my outside coop recently. They have a mix of pine shavings and straw for bedding and the ground here is a muddy mess
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