Recent content by jamesnoldsr

  1. jamesnoldsr

    What does healthy chicken poo look like?

    You know, maybe I'm not as attentive as I should be, but I don't really worry about what their poop looks like if they are all acting healthy and alert and doing the things chickens should do. I feed lots of stuff from the kitchen (for Christmas the girls got the turkey carcass) bread, cottage...
  2. jamesnoldsr

    Carnation instant breakfast powder

    I would think the sugar in it wouldn't be good for them. I don't know if they use artificial sweeteners, but I know too much sugar gives chicks "poopy butt" don't know if the sugar in the IB would give them diarrhea.
  3. jamesnoldsr

    help!! i have a problem with DE!!

    I guess my question to the seller on ebay would be: why are her bags of DE selling for $18 dollars a bag and the labled "Food Grade" DE on that page is going for $54.99 or thereabouts (not all that high, but all more than $18.00). If I am looking for something specific and I shop by price...
  4. jamesnoldsr

    Christmas for the chickens!

    Quote: Now that is a great idea. I've done that before and forgot all about it. Our girls are getting a huge can of corn this morning and and a big boiled egg dinner. They do love their boiled eggs!
  5. jamesnoldsr

    What color will this silkie be???

    I agree it looks partridge- but the other partridge chicks that hatched were in shades of brown, bluish and dark slate grey. This one has partridge markings but on a light yellow base. The porcelain also have partridge markings in a tannish color on a lavenderish base. So that stripey pattern...
  6. jamesnoldsr

    What color will this silkie be???

    This is the first time I've added a picture to a post so I hope it works!! Anyway, I just hatched a bunch of chicks from Catdance Silkies- I've gotten three batches of eggs from her so far and they are always fresh and extremely well packaged- which helps hatch rates, I'm sure. I am familiar...
  7. jamesnoldsr

    Number 2 Dog Dead

    My husband got into a situation like that here in Texas a few years back. He is still on probation for the incident. What happened with him though was he used a 22 and the dog ran off. It was mortally wounded though and he felt the right thing to do was to shoot it again to kill it. By the...
  8. jamesnoldsr

    injury polish roo head still being pecked. advice please

    There are products you can get at feed stores that discourage chicken picking. Its a fairly common problem, especially once they draw blood- then all of them join in. They can do alot of damage in a fairly short amount of time. I would separate him until you can get some of that product to...
  9. jamesnoldsr

    day 6

    Oh, ok......nevermind.
  10. jamesnoldsr

    day 6

    Cracked the extras?????
  11. jamesnoldsr

    Air bubbles around yolk

    Ok, I had to learn this the hard way. Let them sit at room temp with the large end up for at least 24 hours before putting them in the incubator. They need time to settle. Apparently people have had eggs with ruptured air cells hatch, so I wouldn't give up on them right away.
  12. jamesnoldsr

    Shipped eggs and ruptured air cells

    I would turn them. You are supposed to let the eggs sit for at least 24 hours after receipt in order to let them settle. Others on here have said that they have had eggs hatch that had ruptured air cells. I had already set my last batch and don't know if any or all had ruptured air cells but...
  13. jamesnoldsr

    Lyon Roll-X

    I'm using one right now. But I only paid 200 on Craigslist.
  14. jamesnoldsr

    Shipped eggs and ruptured air cells

    I just candled my eggs that went into the 'bator 15 days ago. I have been having some humidity issues and wanted to check the air cell size. Some are quite small so I am going to run the humidity at about 35 percent for the next few days to help remedy that. Now the question: I have read on...
  15. jamesnoldsr

    Humidity has been too high

    Ok, so I'm new at this and I just accepted what the dial type humidity gauge was telling me regarding the humidity in the incubator. Well, today I realized that the thing has been off (as in not correct) all along and I'm sure the humidity has been too high for the first week and a half of my...
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