injury polish roo head still being pecked. advice please


8 Years
Nov 9, 2011
Ok what should I polish roo is being pecked in the head. This has happened ever since we got him. They girls he is with are a mixed flock one polish hen, wyndottes, BR, marans, red sex links. Ok here is what I wonder if we should do. Should we put him and the polish hen in with the chicks? They are 4 months old all hens of mixed flock no polish. I was thinkin this because they r still not full.size and maybe wouldn't pick on him. What do u think??
Due to the difference in size, it will probably work for at least a while. Mixed flocks tend to pick at the crests of Polish. The habit can sometimes be broken if they are allowed to free range. Once the habit starts, it is very difficult to break.
There are products you can get at feed stores that discourage chicken picking. Its a fairly common problem, especially once they draw blood- then all of them join in. They can do alot of damage in a fairly short amount of time. I would separate him until you can get some of that product to put on him. Poor boy.
Right now he is with 11 hens and they free range all day and I seperate him and fran my polish hen at night. He still gets picked but here and there but the back of his head is bald I coat it everynight with blukote.
I used blue coat and sprayed it on her head. I also seperated mine at night for a week. I do agree with the free ranging. It gives them time away from the pickers!!!
He is such a sweetheart. This pic is of my Fran. She is sweet too
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