Recent content by jaylilsmom

  1. jaylilsmom

    HELP I have a serious Red Fire Ant Problem

    well, for now, I have cleaned all of the bedding out of their shelter to remove as many ants as I could, and have treated the ground with DE I know that won't help with the colony but it will at least help with what is in the area they live in. I may also sprinkle some DE around the perimeter of...
  2. jaylilsmom

    HELP I have a serious Red Fire Ant Problem

    I cross-posted this to the emergency thread and someone suggested a poultry safe permethrin spray... I hate to use chemicals around them but at this point, I am afraid I don't have many options. It was absolutely terrible seeing that baby being devoured. I immediately removed my remaining keets...
  3. jaylilsmom


    Oh, thank you guys so much! I was flabbergasted when I realized what the culprit was! I have never seen ants take down a live animal before! I mean I have heard of them doing it in rainforests lol but not in my own back yard! I knew there had to be some safe method that I just was not finding...
  4. jaylilsmom


    Hello everyone! I am coming to you all from the ( currently hotter than the pits of hades) Nw corner of Ga. I currently have a handful of chicks, ducklings, and more recently keets who are brooding in a modified chainlink dog run. Everything has been going very smoothly with this set up so far...
  5. jaylilsmom

    HELP I have a serious Red Fire Ant Problem

    Hello everyone! I am coming to you all from the ( currently hotter than the pits of hades) Nw corner of Ga. I currently have a handful of chicks, ducklings, and more recently keets who are brooding in a modified chainlink dog run. Every thing has been going very smoothly with this set up so far...
  6. jaylilsmom

    Banties with LF?

    I hadn't thought of that. Would the act still be successful with a saddle? They would make some beautiful babies together.
  7. jaylilsmom

    Banties with LF?

    I have a white silkie bantam and a bb red bantam. Recently I have acquired an American Game Rooster. My b b red girl seems to be quite smitten with him and sweet talks him constantly and he her. I have to keep him in a pen alone as he was just dropped off here and he and my RIR don't get along...
  8. jaylilsmom

    Silkie thread!

    Just got my first silkie pullet today. I am so excited.
  9. jaylilsmom

    Bedding in the duck run?

    Glad I looked this up I have been looking for the best solution to our duck muck problem and I do believe this is it lol
  10. jaylilsmom

    What Type of owner are you?

    I am more of a duck person I have two Araucana chicks that I just acquired. My intention is to have them as egg layers but I love all of my birds they are all equally awesome and I love to just sit and watch them. [/IMG]
  11. jaylilsmom

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Females are the only ones who truly have a definite quack. Drakes sound like a very raspy whisper by comparrisson. Also when the ducklings get all of their big bird feathers. The drakes will always have a curled tail feather.
  12. jaylilsmom

    With great sadness

    It is def a gamble with poultry.
  13. jaylilsmom

    Muddy Ducks

    They don't "whistle" perse but they do what's called trilling when they are very content. Mine are 12+ weeks old so they are very loud quackers now.
  14. jaylilsmom

    With great sadness

    Thank you guys. I am glad she wasn't scared and alone. I am gonna keep a close eye on the other girls hopefully it wasn't any kind of communicable illness.
  15. jaylilsmom

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I would love to be in the pekin club:) I have 3hens. I had four and sadly one passed away.
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