Recent content by JennaPonraj

  1. JennaPonraj


    Today we noticed that our barnevelder is missing feathers on the back of her neck. She hasn't been laying even though we have artificial lighting going, and she's a winter layer breed. She's 30 weeks old, to young to molt... Right??? We also noticed the tiniest drop of blood. can't see it in...
  2. JennaPonraj

    Fresh hard boiled eggs

    Welcome! And I'm new at this to:] It could be there just really fresh?
  3. JennaPonraj

    No eggs?

    Chickens have been laying for a month now. There all like 28-30 weeks old.
  4. JennaPonraj

    No eggs?

    I have 6 chickens laying right now and yesterday only 2 of them layed. Today only 1 layed. They were all 3 different hens. Is it winter now??? Are chickens going to stop laying now? Thanks!
  5. JennaPonraj

    a chicken who layed 2 eggs in 1 day?

    Hi! Got a friend who has 4 chickens and got 5 eggs one day. They check there egg box everyday. Is it possible that one of there chicks layed 2 eggs? Thanks!
  6. JennaPonraj

    A chicken who won't lay in the nest box.

    My black australorp who just started laying decided to lay in the coop. My other 3 layers lay in the nest box though. Anyone know how to get a chicken to start laying in a nest box? Thanks!
  7. JennaPonraj

    1 week old treats?

    Hi! I was wondering what you can feed to ur chicks at 1 week old beside water, and starter feed. Can I feed them grit, and worms, and salad? I know at 3 weeks people start to feed them fruit and yogurt, and I know whatever you feed them the main part of their diet has to be the starter feed...
  8. JennaPonraj

    Wondering about a marans???

    Hi! Wondering if anyone knows about white marans and golden cuckoo marans. My question is: What breed has feathers [or as a chick, fluff] on it's legs/feet. Do both or only one? Thanks!
  9. JennaPonraj

    Ameracauna Question

    Guess like I don't have a true ameraucano. Well who cares? I love my birds:}
  10. JennaPonraj

    Maran birds....

    ~chickenextreme Theres 3 photos of each chick. Do u think the first 1 is white and the 2nd blush splash maran?
  11. JennaPonraj

    Maran birds....

    Thanks but I only showed you 2. I was thinking the same though... 1 splash and 1 white?
  12. JennaPonraj

    Ameracauna Question

    It doesn't look 2 much alike but it's feet and tail look the same. That's it. [talking about the first picture you showed when you started this thread.] should I post a picture of my bird?
  13. JennaPonraj

    Maran birds....

    Hi! Got these chicks today from I bought the rare marans collection and bought 3 birds. Sadly 1 died in the mail but I was wondering if you could help me tell what breeds they are. Bought them as girls, if you think ones a roo please let me know!!! These are the breeds they...
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