Maran birds....


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 22, 2012
Tacoma, Wa
Hi! Got these chicks today from I bought the rare marans collection and bought 3 birds. Sadly 1 died in the mail but I was wondering if you could help me tell what breeds they are. Bought them as girls, if you think ones a roo please let me know!!!

These are the breeds they could be:
White marans
blue splash marans
golden cuckoo marans

I think there both different breeds because of their different colors. The first 3 are of 1 of the chicks, and the second 3 are of the 2nd chick. [head shot, leg shot, and whole body] I also noticed that with chick #1 she has hair on her legs and chick #2 doesn't. Sorry that it's hard to see them.




I'm leaning towards 1 being white marans and 2 being splash marans, too young to tell the sex yet, give it about 5 to 6 weeks
white chickens will have yellow down/baby fluff on them and a blue/splash will have grayish down/baby fluff

sorry i meant yellow i was thinking white and typed white lol kinda like when your listening to music while typing/writing and you start writing those lyrics instead :)
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Theres 3 photos of each chick. Do u think the first 1 is white and the 2nd blush splash maran?

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