Recent content by Johnnycake

  1. Johnnycake

    What breed is this?

    The eggs were procured from a small fruit and veg supermarket that stocks local produce. The egg colour was light brown if that helps.
  2. Johnnycake

    What breed is this?

    Hi I started this as an experiment. Got dozen eggs from the super market and incubated them. Result was 4 hatched with these chicks. Does anyone know what breed are they?
  3. Johnnycake

    What Gender and breed is this Chicken??

    It is of same sex as David Hasselhoff
  4. Johnnycake

    Identify Breed and Gender

    It is, both the chickens are of same age with a week's difference.
  5. Johnnycake

    Any ideas on breed or gender?

    Could be an australorp too.
  6. Johnnycake

    Identify Breed and Gender

    Do you know when they start laying, if they were pullets?
  7. Johnnycake

    Identify Breed and Gender

    I think it was hatched in early September. I have no idea where it came from. Was given to us by an acquaintance for a gold coin.
  8. Johnnycake

    Identify Breed and Gender

    Golden goes in pen, red goes on pan? What age is ripe to pot?
  9. Johnnycake

    Identify Breed and Gender

    I am a newbie and am not sure about the breed and gender of these little ones. Can anyone help?
  10. Johnnycake

    What age, breed or sex?

    I have added more pics, if it helps. The person at in school who was involved in incubation experiment is no longer there.
  11. Johnnycake

    What age, breed or sex?

    I am new to raising chickens. Kids got these gorgeous little chickens from school. Would anyone help me identify how old they are? What breed and sex they might be of? Thanks!
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