Recent content by katedf

  1. katedf

    Trans-gendered chicken - is this common?

    Yes ! It has happened here.(her on the right in the run in 2010; 3 pix taken today) My girl Auntie Sue is a hero, once a daily egg layer, was caught by the fox and actually escaped - found her hiding in the garage after we had given up hope. She had two deep punctures on her back. She made an...
  2. katedf

    Sex Changes????

    Believe it ! it has happened here. My girl Auntie Sue is a hero, once an egg layer, was caught by the fox and actually escaped - found her hiding in the garage after we had given up hope. She had two deep punctures on her back. She made an amazing recovery and by the next month was sitting...
  3. katedf

    Free Range or Not? What Does Everyone Prefer?

    to Melabella: train the girls often and anytime with a metal tin full of grain, sunflower kernels or other treats, they'll learn the noise really quickly and come miles when they hear it ! electric fence the area you are using - most predators wont clear a fence without touching the top edge...
  4. katedf

    Free Range or Not? What Does Everyone Prefer?

    My 9 girls are out in my garden, as free range as you get in a town garden in England. They love the freedom and choices, trees and shade, dustbathing in the flower beds, and grubbing about in the compost heap -I know we have foxes that come down from the hill near the town, and so far we have...
  5. katedf

    Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

    my newby goes for the diamonds in my ring every time ! Thats my girl !
  6. katedf

    Is this what they mean by a "favorite nest box"? :)

    to devora >>>>>>>>>>thats a pretty bird - what type is she ?
  7. katedf

    Can I use ONLY diatomaceous earth for my chickens' dust baths? Do I need to add in anything else?

    Play sand from the toystore is good for dustbaths - nice and fine and not too expensive!
  8. katedf

    Comment by 'katedf' in article 'Keeping Your Chickens Healthy'

    Use sawdust for inside the coop, and bark works fine for a grazing area - chuck used bark on the compost and get new about once month. Mix Diatomaceous Earth dust into the bedding , put a bit in the feed, and find a dry sunny corner to put some into sand for a dust bath- this way the chickens...
  9. katedf

    Discouraged by poop

    well Ive got chickens cats and a dog and the chickens' poop is the least worrying ! lawn -hose it (lawn loves it) patio - hose it (sometimes bucket of water with Jeyes) chicken run - leave it unless you've got the in laws coming ! katedf
  10. katedf

    Comment by 'katedf' in article 'Deciding To Free Range Your Flock'

    our girls are free range weekenders ! 10 ft run all week, whole orchard for the weekend. They used to be absolutely free but coming through the catflap to eat out of hot saucepans was a problem ! The point about being prepared to lose one or two is crucial - you are right.
  11. katedf

    Why have a rooster? new Pg 10 video pg 13

    how is that a GREAT story - some animals saved and another animal dead probably leaving her young to die a horrible starving painful death - i feel unwell. Yes i get confused - its ok for us to eat chicken - its not ok for coyote to eat chickens - its ok for us to kill coyote, its not ok for...
  12. katedf

    Just curious? Who names all their chickens and who doesn't?

    THE GREAT AUNTS the best flock naming i ever heard of was Doreen And the Dinner Ladies (because they fuss!). It inspired me to name my chickens after my elderly aunts: Aunt Lil, auntie Doreen, Madge, and Edie. Then when the big glam Rhode island reds arrived they were called Elsie and Gladys...
  13. katedf

    Feeding egg shells

    Agree with the folks that just bake em, smash em up and throw them in the chicken run. I keep an old dish in the bottom of the oven full time. I certainly wouldnt go with an option that involved extra washing up!I thought the idea of baking was to destroy any possible reinfection - and to stop...
  14. katedf

    I am sitting here crying - opinions please! (Update)

    hello there. buy the Dog Whisperer Videos - there is hope there. Watch and learn. The dog needs to learn RESPECt and it is entirely possible. Ifno success, get the actual Dog Whisperer guy on board - TV programmes are suckers for families with disabled children and animals!! Everyone will love...
  15. katedf

    Rain Barrel Hookup Straight to Waterer?

    Hello we're in rainy Gloucestershire, GB. so we've put a square metre of plastic shower curtain over the run, with a dip and a hole in the centre-- stay with this !...... In the run under the hole is a plastic funnel connected to tubing which runs along and down delivers rainwater into the hens...
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