Why have a rooster? new Pg 10 video pg 13

Great Story~!!!
It reminds me of my Rooster that got taken by a fox bless his little heart. At the time I only had one rooster and one hen that were free roamers. He did his job and made sure that Penny was safe and he stood up to the fox of course he did not have a chance. About 2 weeks later the fox came back while my husband was in the garden and Penny came racing down through the paddock right to Bert. The fox was right on her tail and even at one point had her pinned. My husband ran up to the fox and swung the shovel at the fox and this fox was still coming at him. He hit the fox and it backed off my hen. She ran to the end of the driveway while the fox ran out into our pasture. My husband ran in to get his gun but by the time he got out on the deck he was so out of breath and shocked at how that Fox was a foot from him and was relentless.....he could not get a clear shot off.
I looked for my hen for hours and finally found her across the road in my neighbors yard which is full of junk ( But we won't go there right now ) I checked her all over because she had lost so many feathers I thought for sure she was punctured somewhere. She wasn't Thank God which amazed me because she was pinned down. She was quiet for a few days and snapped out of it. After that I took my older rooster Mufahsa out to free roam at the time I had 3 Roosters and had to seperate them up with their own hens......He and Penny fell right in love. I have never seen anything like it. She was always cuddled up under him they were inseperable. I took another little hen out to roam with them becuase she was bald from being picked at and Mufahsa is such a good Rooster he took her up into the Rabbit cage I have for the hens to lay there eggs and he showed her the inside and took her into the nest box then he came out and stood on the bags of shavings I have in there and watched her through a tiny crack ( he was up on his tip toes ) he waited for her until she laid her egg and when she came out he took her over to Penny and went about his business.
You really had to be there it blew me away at how smart and how caring he was. I LOVE my Roosters and am down to 2. One is in the coop and mufahsa is my free roamer with his 2 girls.
I just got 2 baby geese because I was told by a friend that they will definitely help with the fox. They are instant alarms and when they are big they are strong. They follow me all around it is so cute....my only worry is my free roamers are terrified of these 2 little babies......I hope the fear goes away because right now they are too little to free roam by them selves and I ONLY let my chickens out of the barn when I am there now I saw a fox a few days ago so I know one is around just waiting to attack.
Oh these fox are brazen...I punted one in the face yesterday off of my red cochin with Lancelot right beside me chasing it away. He was just standing on my hen...tons of lost feathers but she is fine...still a little shocky but doing good.
Her is some video from yesterday, a little under 2 hours before Ruby was attacked by a fox....you can see her right up front with yogurt all over her beak

This is her this morning getting some scrambled egg...she is still a bit shocky and moving slowly so I am assuming she is a little sore too from having a fox pounce on her and stand on her

Everyone is ticked off today because they are locked up in their coop *sigh* it cannot be helped, until I get that little rascal and kill it...they have to be kept safe as I may not be so lucky next time.
Very Nice Advice & Way To Explain!!! And He is Sooo Beautiful!!!!
how is that a GREAT story - some animals saved and another animal dead probably leaving her young to die a horrible starving painful death - i feel unwell.

Yes i get confused - its ok for us to eat chicken - its not ok for coyote to eat chickens -
its ok for us to kill coyote, its not ok for coyote to kill chickens - too hard.
I've been going back and forth about getting rid of my one beautiful rooster. Thanks for the story it answered my question in no uncertain terms.
Not sure if she said, though I thought she did, but Cetawin has been searching for the coyote's pups since she was forced to shoot her in order to save her rooster's life. No one likes the idea of pups left alone, certainly not this dear lady, I can tell you. She does not eat her chickens so no, she won't allow predators to eat them, either.

Since you are new to BYC, perhaps you should take a quick look at the rules posted at the top of the Predators and Pests section of the forum for some guidance here; though this was posted in the Stories area, I do believe those rules would still apply.
In that split second before the coyote reached Lancelot, I don't see that Cetawin had any other choice but to shoot and I'm glad she is adept with firearms and had one in her hand or this story could have a very different ending.
This story on the first page is a great FAther's Day story!!

It reminds me of my handsome DH and my handsome roo!

Last fall our flock was out roaming when I saw this blur of red and feathers fly by the living room window. And then I realized it was our rooster and a fox in battle! The two were rolling down the hill and there were feathers flying! But my good old Romeo kicked fox butt!! Romeo lost his entire tail. Bare pink behind for months as his feathers grew back! But, he gave that fox what for!
You know that fox had not gone after the roo, it had gone after one of the ladies, and the roo attacked.

I have watched this roo take on hawks, fox and strange dogs. We have losses, but I love watching him find a bug and call his ladies to come get a treat!! Everyone eats first, then he eats, everyone goes in for the night and then he goes in. If some one is fussing over laying he paces outside the coop! Its adorable.

Yes, he has issues, but he does his job the flock is stable.

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