Recent content by Khota

  1. Khota

    Why is one of my ducks standing while she sleeps?

    Yeah! This is completely normal. Certain ducks will sleep certain ways depending on their own preference, I had several who would sleep standing on a single leg.
  2. Khota

    Rouen Duck Pair in Texas

    I'm looking to rehome a male and a female rouen duck. I no longer am in need of a drake, but am not willing to seperate him from his friend so am willing to give up one of my females if it will make the transition easier for him. I'm not willing to ship the pair, but I'm willing to drive a...
  3. Khota

    Good!! You?

    Good!! You?
  4. Khota

    Crazy color mutation

    How cute! I hope you plan to post pictures of this duckling's growth, I'm interested to see how it'll turn out!
  5. Khota


  6. Khota

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  7. Khota

    Cayuga pictures

    Thanks for the response on it! Regardless of if it turns out to be a cayuga or even cayuga mutt or something I definately plan on keeping her. I raise ducks as pets so I'm not too concerned on appearance (in terms of breed standard) as long as they're healthy and happy. Glad to hear that she's...
  8. Khota

    Cayuga pictures

    Hello! I'm new to the breed too, but the reason I got a cayuga was because I heard they're a 'calmer' natured breed! Though maybe someone here with adult cayugas will have better input haha.
  9. Khota

    Cayuga pictures

    Got my Cayuga from Ideal! She's already an escape artist and is quite a little biter. My only concern is that she has a very prominent yellow bib, though honestly I'm not really sure what is typical of Cayuga duckling. Is this what they normally look like? (Sorry for bad pictures, she doesnt...
  10. Khota

    Cayuga pictures

    Woah this is neat! How do you drain the water out? Also pretty ducks!
  11. Khota

    Cayuga pictures

    What an adorable duckling! I'm supposed to be getting a cayuga duckling from ideal poultry this month on the 8th. Where'd you get yours from?
  12. Khota

    What are these?

    Gonna second Miss Lydia - looks like white chinese babies to me! Such cuties.
  13. Khota

    Scratch and peck feed

    I have that exact feed that I thought I'd try out for my ducks. My ducks are very disinterested in it and seem to definately prefer their normal crumble food. They do eat it, but definately aren't as excited about eating as when they get their normal food. Maybe ducks are just picky! lol
  14. Khota

    Is this duck a Drake?

    Haha I didn't say that they were - Someone else had said that ducks cannot be sexed by their bill colors, and I just used Welsh harlequins as an example towards the fact that some breeds can be. With runners, I believe the only way to tell (without vent sexing) would be the duck's stature, voice...
  15. Khota

    Guard coddle or not to coddle? That is my question.

    To be honest, Geese aren't really 'guard' animals as much as they are 'alert' animals. A large enough racoon could easily kill a goose. Same applies to other predators. I think regardless of the number of geese you have, they'll still yell at the sight of any kind of predator that may pose a...
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