Recent content by kriskirkland

  1. kriskirkland

    How to feed 12 on/12 off?

    I'm a tad confused here. With our meaties (Cornish x) the consensus seems to be to only let them eat 12 on and 12 off. Does this mean they should have 12 hours of continuous feed? They currently use a 24" trough feeder from the feed store, and currently we fill it completely up once a day as we...
  2. kriskirkland

    Fatten up DP birds?

    I should have clarified, they are separated and will stay that way. They are all (10 SLW and 8 CC) 8 days old but the CC are already double the size. I have the SLW in with my turken pullet and barred rock pullet, and as those two get a bit bigger I will separate the SLW from them too. It's just...
  3. kriskirkland

    Fatten up DP birds?

    This is our first excursion into meat birds, and chickens in general...yay! Anyway, I ordered my CC's from Ideal and they threw in about 10 Silver Laced Wyandotte's for "warmth". So with these 10 free boys, I am thinking about keeping them and raising them for butcher. I know they won't grow as...
  4. kriskirkland


    Anyone interested in Silver Laced Wyandottess? I put in an order for 12 chicks with Ideal, and they shipped me 22!! The paperwork says they included the SLW's for warmth. Doesn't say what sex, but their website says they may ship extras males for warmth. We are in the city and can't have roos. I...
  5. kriskirkland

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I just want to thank you all for your knowledge! I've never posted on this thread before, but have been following it for weeks and reading and re-reading it. I got some cheap trays and a small bag of wheat and I have fodder growing! It was so easy after reading all of your comments and advice...
  6. kriskirkland


    Thank you! I will try this tomorrow! It would make my husbands week!
  7. kriskirkland


    Does anyone know where I can find Turkens locally? I am in the Springs but I am more than willing to travel. We had one with our three RIR in the brooder box. There around 6-7 weeks I think? There fully feathered and ready to go out, we were going to put them out this weekend since its warm...
  8. kriskirkland


    I'm a newbie so forgive me for not knowing! But what is DUH? I'm looking for a place to butcher my future meaties. I found a place through a while ago by castle rock but I can't seem to find it now! Thank you!
  9. kriskirkland

    Is this normal?

    Hello everyone! About a week and a half ago my hubby and I bought 4 pullets from Big R. They were on sale and the last 4 pullets they had, and were not day old chicks. All of them were getting/had ther wing feathers and tail feathers. One is a turken, supposedly. She loloks exactly like the...
  10. kriskirkland

    Roo to hen ratio?

    Hi all! We recently got 4 pullets as our first chick babies. Now that we have them I am hooked. I really want a roo so that down the rode they can make their own babies. However, I have heard that Roos do best with 10-12 hens in their flock, so I'm not sure if 4 would be enough? Our girls are...
  11. kriskirkland

    What are these?!

    Hello everyone! We've had our first chicks for a little over a week now. Ive been trying to figure out what they are, to no success. We got them at Big R (like TSC) and they were the last four in the "pullet" bin. We also have no idea how old they are, they were on sale 3 for 1, so I know they...
  12. kriskirkland


    Yay thank you sooo much!! I knew there was a TSC in canon, just didn't know if it was worth the trip, but I'm thinking as long as I can make a huge list of stuff and buy it all at once it would be worth the trip. Thanks for the tip about Sweeney, I will contact them tomorrow, that is exactly...
  13. kriskirkland


    Oh maybe I'm just too new to this then! I had looked up prices online from Tracyor Supply and they were much cheaper than Big R, but there not in town here. I've basically been going off of "word of mouth" and when other people would tell me they were too costly! Oops!! Thank you for the info! I...
  14. kriskirkland

    Hello from Colorado Springs!

    Hello everyone! I'm new to BYC, but have been stalking this entire forum for weeks now in anticipation of my chicks! I wanted meaties, especially since this will be the first time I've even seen a chicken outside of a fair! Hubby fell in love with a few layers yesterday, so we have 4 pullets...
  15. kriskirkland


    Hello fellow Coloradans! I am new to BYC, although I have been stalking it for weeks in anticipation of getting chicks. I was still a few weeks away from being ready, but hubby jumped the gun at Big R yesterday and saw 4 little chicks on sale he couldn't resist. So we rushed to set up out...
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