Recent content by Larrelye

  1. Larrelye

    Young hens stopped laying

    I have 10 hens in a large coop. They free range most of the day. Water, food, and oyster shell are always available. She has been better 2 or 3 weeks now but still no eggs. How long should we wait? Is it possible she won't lay anymore? One of my younger hens is an americauna who had...
  2. Larrelye

    He's dying. Please help.

    He was got at a local breeder and not vaccinated as far as I know. I thought I could only have the vaccination done at a hatchery at 1 day?
  3. Larrelye

    He's dying. Please help.

    Update: I started him on the Vital Water available at all times and the bread soaked in Vit B12 & vital water and Vit E on top. I did not get him a syringe and just sat by patiently during feeding times. Feeding was very slow. After an extremely small bite or 2 he would fall asleep. Every...
  4. Larrelye

    He's dying. Please help.

    This morning he is still alive. I moved his box to indirect sunlight outside. He turned himself around while I had walked away. Both feet are again curly and even if I try to lay him so his feet are under him it's like they only want to stick straight out. I havent been able to get him to eat...
  5. Larrelye

    He's dying. Please help.

    Thank you leadwolf. I've treated him for vitamin deficency this evening and will continue to do so. I dipped the bread in vitamin B12 water and added the vitamin E which he did eat very well even if slow. I have some eggs scrambled for him in the morning that I'll add some cheese for the...
  6. Larrelye

    He's dying. Please help.

    Thank you all for the advice. I've picked up some vitamin E and some B12 (thats the only kind they had) and will try feeding him as soon as I get home.
  7. Larrelye

    He's dying. Please help.

    Thank you for the link! I've picked up some vit-al and will look for B2 supplements to add to water. Looks like vit-al only has a minimum amount of B1 and 2
  8. Larrelye

    He's dying. Please help.

    My 14-16 week old seabright is having trouble. He was sold to me as a silver seabright but with the straight comb I'm assuming OEGB. If you don't want to read through, a list of symptoms and what I've done as treatment is at the bottom of this post. Thursday: The flock was outside free...
  9. Larrelye

    Sex Game (pic heavy)

    What a shame. My children like the white one best because he's the underdog kinda. He looked so pitiful when we brought him home and they loved this. His feathers are space and just looks like he needs "love". They were really rooting for him. I'm pretty sure he has some genetic issues and...
  10. Larrelye

    Sex Game (pic heavy)

    Thanks in advance! All of these are 5 weeks old. These are my EEs. I thought they were both hens based on the coloring. I thought I read/saw that roosters are more boldly colored with large splashes of solid colors. But now that they are feathering in so well, the lighter one has longish...
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