Recent content by LittleBear

  1. LittleBear

    FREE - 1 dozen BBS Orp eggs - Central Va. - Winners!!

    MissPrissy, Wow, what a generous offer. Just as others before, I don't think I can come up with a better reason for why I would like to win your precious eggs(babies). I myself raise buff orpingtons. I grew up with buffs when I was a youngster-many years ago- and of course I enjoyed them so...
  2. LittleBear

    At what age will my pullets start laying?

    Just an update, I have at least one possibly two pullets laying. I got one on Saturday and then another one on Monday and again today. Yeah, I'm so excited. I would post a picture, but no camera.
  3. LittleBear


    My youngsters love tomatoes and watermelon, plus all the other scraps that they can get their beaks on. Spoiled rotten I'd say, but I love em......
  4. LittleBear

    For the love of god that was disgusting!

    I heard a loud racket out in my coop the other day and walked inside and I do believe my one roo had done the same thing, cause I heard the pullet go from the roost to the ground and when I looked inside, he quickly jumped off of her. And this was his expression, , as he ran out the door...
  5. LittleBear

    At what age will my pullets start laying?

    I have 12 Buff Orpington pullets, they are now 20 weeks old, at what age will they start laying? Some guy told me today that they won't start laying until December and I know that can't be right. I had figured that they would start any time from mid-August thru September.
  6. LittleBear

    Anyone close to Oklahoma/Arkansas line?

    Located right outside of Joplin, MO. I have 13 Buff Orpington pullets and 2 Buff Orpington cockerels, almost 4 months old. Spoiled rotten is what they are and I love em all. I also have 3 hens and 1 rooster all mixed breeds that a friend gave me when I first got my babies to make sure I didn't...
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