FREE - 1 dozen BBS Orp eggs - Central Va. - Winners!!

Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.

Bless you MissPrissy, you are truely blessing someone else with your generosity!

P.S. I don't need the eggs, just wanted to let you know how much I admire your giving heart!
I hope you pick my family mostly for the joy my children get from watching the eggs grow into chicks,raising the chicks to full age then watching my kids run from the roosters. there is nothing better than taking the time to teach a child about chickens. The reason for these birds is b/c we had some purchased from sandhill and had them almost grown and a few days from laying eggs. When a neighbors bull dog killed My entire flock of 18 birds inside the pen. Since then we have tried locating other birds of such good quality to raise n love. This is why my family would love to have your eggs to hatch.


I just came across this post and thought that I would follow it to see who wins..something fun to do right? anyway somewhere inbetween saving it and reading through the posts, I decided to check out MissPrissy's BYC page and also the link to her website. I admit, I am becoming an addict to this site and whenever I am on here, I always come accross MissPrissy's name, somewhere, somehow....of course, she is a moderator. But, I truly never really thought about how much she really dedicates herself to this hobby and BYC. While looking over her pages and website I have realized that she really is committed to providing us with the luxury of enjoying this site, and getting the knowledge that we need, and putting people in line when they need to be. Without her and of course the other moderators, the site wouldn't be what it is....So, thank you MissPrissy for giving us a place to come when we have questions, problems, or just need to rant a bit. Thank you for giving us a home away from home. Our chickens thank you too. Who wouldn't want to have a little piece of someone so giving and dedicated. Hopefully we can return the favor to you someday!
MissPrissy, Wow, what a generous offer. Just as others before, I don't think I can come up with a better reason for why I would like to win your precious eggs(babies). I myself raise buff orpingtons. I grew up with buffs when I was a youngster-many years ago- and of course I enjoyed them so well, I had to get my own a couple of years ago-now that I no longer live in the city. I don't know who was more excited, myself or my parents. My mom loves calling me first thing in the morning and hearing my roo crow. Hatched out my first babies last year and am very excited about getting more hatched out this year-I have one sitting hen as we speak. I know I would enjoy having some of your eggs (babies). Best of luck to everyone and congrats to the lucky winner. God bless!
Like others have said, I don't know that I deserve them anymore than the next BYC member but tomorrow (Monday) is my birthday and hatching eggs were on my list.
How nice of you! I see a lot of people really want those eggs!

I don't feel like I'm any more deserving of these eggs than the others in here, and I hate writing these sorta things about myself, but I might as well tell you a little as to why I would like them.

About a year ago we had a really bad streak of predator attacks. My chickens are mostly free range, although they do have a safe place to get in and roost, and they have pens I can lock them up in when I don't want them roaming. The hawks were going hog wild trying to get my banties, even when they were in the pen. On top of that, we had a raccoon get in the coop and take out most of our birds. It was quite stressing considering we could NOT figure out where that darn coon was getting in every night. Finally we saw that an area of the roof had gotten loose from years of warping, and the coon managed to climb the outside wall and push his way through the small opening between the roof and the wall. Clever little guy

Now that all of that is fixed, we haven't had a problem with predators since. The chickens have gotten hawk smart (the majority of those loses were 'teen' bitties). So now I'm just trying to rebuild my flock. At the moment I've got 5 black sex-links and 4 bantams, and 6 chicks from TSC. I was hoping to find something a little different to mix up the flock a bit. I've had basically the same ole breeds for years, so something else would be great for a change!
Of course I could just buy the hatching eggs to rebuild my flock, but considering I'm still in high school, Dad will only allow but so much money to go towards buying more chicks/eggs
Haha. So seeing free eggs from such good looking birds, definitely caught my attention!
Why do I need your eggs, or better yet, why should you pick me?

I haven't read the other posts on here, so I am unsure what others might say.
I would love to have these eggs, actually I would be honored to have them. I have hatched eggs in an incubator one time (2/09) and ended up with 1 Dark Blue/Black Orp chick. She is beautiful! Actually everyone who has seen her asks why she is so different from the others. Her feathering is stunning! She needs some friends who look just like her. I would love her to have some other BBS Orpington chicks to play with. I don't want her to grow up and wonder why everyone looks different from her.
hehe I think you should also pick me because I have a BO hen that just went broody over the weekend. She would be perfect for hatching these eggs. I am curious to see if my hatch rate would be better on shipped eggs under my broody than in an incubator with an amatuer (me) running it.
~Thank you for considering me.
I would love to give your egg and future chicks a home. A week and a half ago we were woken up to someone knocking at our door. He said is one of your building suppose to be on fire? My husband yelled Sue the coop is on fire. I look out the window and see flames coming from the coop and going into the sky 20 feet. I scream OH MY ____. Run out there and there are some chickens ok (thank goodness I free range) then I see our pet rabbit in his cage that he had no way out of . Needless to say he was gone. I yell at my son to not come out there. I would hate for him to see what I saw.

When all was said and done I lost about 15 laying hens, three roosters and our pet rabbit that we have had for 4 years.

We did find out what caused the fire and it will not happen again.

We have rebuild a coop with help from the neighbors who just showed up one day to help with things for the coop and wood. I love the country.

I am slowly building up my flock and would love to add yours to it.

Whoever gets your eggs and future chicks will be a lucky person. Good luck all.

I am enthralled with orps. Since all I could get as chicks this fall was buff, that's what I got. I think they are gorgeous all fluffed up. I am fascinated with anything that's bbs. I attempted several times last year to have a bbs flock, with NO luck (200+ eggs, well over $400 later, I have one survivor to show). I would love to get this dozen bbs orp eggs and would keep you updated on the progress, but would love for anyone who appreciates the breed to get them. I'd love to start up my own bbs orp flock and watch them freerange in my yard.
I've been reading these posts and you know what. I realized I'm just being greedy asking for these. There are several members who definately need them much worse than I. Please remove me from the running. If you don't mind I'll offer a dozen Delaware eggs myself free of charge. I hate seeing all these folks who would love and give these chicks great homes not have them due to lack of funds.

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