Recent content by maziechicken02

  1. maziechicken02

    Possible respitory illness

    Is her head swollen? Is she eating and drinking? Does she have a runny nose? She could have an upper Respiratory infection, You might want to separate her so no other chickens will catch it. It's happened to my chickens before and I put some oxytetracycline in the water it helped a lot. Good luck!
  2. maziechicken02

    Limping chicken Possibly eggbound?

    Will do! Yesterday I gave her a warm bath and wrapped her in a towel til she was warm then crushed up some eggshells and put olive oil in the feed it helped a lot last time. But I don't think she ate any of it my fat other chickens probably ate it! Also gonna get some Oyster shells heard those...
  3. maziechicken02

    Limping chicken Possibly eggbound?

    Hi I have a rhode island red that seems to be eggbound she has been eggbound before. Now about a year later she is limping and won't raise her tail feathers and tries to walk but then eventually falls she has always had a limp since she was eggbound last year but, Its never been this bad I gave...
  4. maziechicken02

    Respiratory Infection PLEASE HELP!!

    Than That does help a lot thank you!
  5. maziechicken02

    Respiratory Infection PLEASE HELP!!

    Oops I thought the one that I found was powder because the different type of container lol
  6. maziechicken02

    Respiratory Infection PLEASE HELP!!

    Thanks you! I will definitely put the tylan in a little treat for her!
  7. maziechicken02

    Respiratory Infection PLEASE HELP!!

    Found it at my local tractor supply. I have other chickens and turkeys in the coop will it affect them when I put it in their water?
  8. maziechicken02

    Respiratory Infection PLEASE HELP!!

    Thank you! Where can I find tylan 200?
  9. maziechicken02

    Respiratory Infection PLEASE HELP!!

    Hi I have a turkey that I think has a respiratory infection the left side of her face is swollen and she has mucus in her mouth and sneezes a lot. Its been really cold lately and we've been trying to keep her under a heat lamp here are some pictures. I took that one and couple days ago when she...
  10. maziechicken02

    Turkey with swollen head! please help!

    Sorry there not great photos but on the first one you can see that its actually on her left side but it is really swollen I don't know if it could be a symptom to something like a respiratory infection. Anything will help.
  11. maziechicken02

    swollen leg ( or feet )

    It could just be a snake bite I've had a couple chickens that got bit on the leg by a snake the swelling goes down on its own.
  12. maziechicken02

    Turkey with swollen head! please help!

    Hello I have a turkey hen that's head is swollen on her right side near her eye and around the right side of the beak. We think she also has a cold its been pretty chilly here lately and we put up some heat lamps for them at night. Should I put antibiotics in the water? Anything will help thanks
  13. maziechicken02

    Male or female

    Sadly a couple days ago one of them passed I actually think there about 4 or 5 months when got them we didn't know the age they didn't pick on each other at all
  14. maziechicken02


    Sadly she passed she was under a lot of stress and had a seizure and all we could do it hold her down she was our first Guinea and she was a pretty great one she had a little group of friends that will really miss her
  15. maziechicken02


    Hi I have a Guinea that is about 5 months or younger we woke up to go feed them and our Guinea was limping and had her head down and wouldn't eat so I held her and of course she was going crazy so we put her in a carrier and we think she has a broken leg she can't stand up on her own and just...
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