Recent content by mwdudley

  1. mwdudley

    Can my babies go outside before winter?

    Thank you , yes all these predictors are here I have a very secure coop and run , I like to let the girls out to feed in the yard , it works untile the crops lose there leaves and the girls get brave and go in to them to feed , so they are easy pray so we keep them in the run for now till they...
  2. mwdudley

    Can my babies go outside before winter?

    Hi I'm interested in this thread , so following , I have had trouble and have lost a few of my girls to a fox , soi hatched 14 on 2 of October and this will be my first time bring chicks in to a cold coop all advice will be welcome .
  3. mwdudley

    First Egg Countdown

    Thanks for all the feed back on my first egg we received two more yesterday and ate them this morning with two excited grand children I thought I was excited it was a good breakfast !
  4. mwdudley

    First Egg Countdown

    Ya !!! Got my first egg today ! I've got 7 hens that are 18 weeks . I was not expect ung them to start so soon
  5. mwdudley

    Show off your Red sex-links!! [[pictures included]] !! (:

    this Jenny red she is 17 weeks old she should be laying soon !
  6. mwdudley

    Pullets going into their coop in middle of day.

    My chickens are 12 to 13 weeks old every day when I get home from work there in the coop . As soon as I get out they come running to the gate and ill toss In The left over from my lunch . It's fun to do but ya they lik to hang out in the coop
  7. mwdudley

    feeders in run AND inside coop?

    Water is important to any animal , keeping water in the run and in the coop is a good idea ! We keep feed in the coop and feed table scraps in the run that way they can eat and drink were ever they find it. Hope this helps . Happy farming
  8. mwdudley


    Hay out there , I up there protein with a few night crawler's and a few other left overs from supper . It help with them eating feathers ! Thanks for the good info . Happy farnming
  9. mwdudley


    I've not noticed them doing it other than to day . Ill try that and see if that's going to help thanks .
  10. mwdudley


    I've noticed today that my chickens were eating there feathers . I had a couple roo's fighting and lost some feathers and some of the others were eating them . Are they needing something in there diet ? Or is this common ? ???
  11. mwdudley

    Tell me about your rooster ?

    That's what I was thinking , one would do it Thanks
  12. mwdudley

    Tell me about your rooster ?

    Yes I did me breed
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