Recent content by Neenax3

  1. Neenax3

    Magnificent Marvelous Muscovies! Precious recent video of Cleo. <3
  2. Neenax3

    Magnificent Marvelous Muscovies!

    Thank you for hugs Claire!
  3. Neenax3

    Magnificent Marvelous Muscovies!

    Oh my...I’m sorry I did not intend delete that far back! “Delete” got carried away! Guess that’s the drivers fault! At this time, I don’t believe so. We have a full house w critters (3 dogs; one is geriatric w bone deterioration, another has occasional seizures and the 3rd young ‘un makes sure...
  4. Neenax3

    Magnificent Marvelous Muscovies!

    It is w sadness that I share w you...I gave all of your tips to vet and he appreciated it! But upon treating at his clinic this morning he discovered it did look to be a dog bite and pretty well clean thru. Back portion of Big Daddy barely hanging on. He had begun bleeding from nose and he felt...
  5. Neenax3

    Magnificent Marvelous Muscovies!

    Yes, I felt relieved to have him in out of heat and away from flies! I kicked me cats out of there for the nite. That is their litter box/feeding room normally so had to change it up. This morning I felt the utility room would never smell right again probably. Thankful I thot to lay a sheet in...
  6. Neenax3

    Magnificent Marvelous Muscovies!

    Oh great idea!!!! Thank you Lydia!!! I NOW have him in my utility room! I herded him. Again baby steps. He’s just now calming down. He stinks. My new neighbor/vet is going to research some antibiotics (stink means prob needs rx) and see what we can do. I AGAIN tried to grab him and he “flapped”...
  7. Neenax3

    Magnificent Marvelous Muscovies!

    There are definitely maggots. Clean out w peroxide? Have continued to just keep him misted and fed all day in this 110 degree heat index. Will not drink water except for when I’m misting he will drink it in plus whatever he intakes while obcessively preening afterwards. I think if I throw a...
  8. Neenax3

    Magnificent Marvelous Muscovies! still learning how to navigate/reply/post! Lol Baby steps on another level! This is a picture of Big Daddy eating this morning.
  9. Neenax3

    Magnificent Marvelous Muscovies!

    Thank you! Today is a better day! Baby steps! This morning he was up away from pond, closer to our backyard fencing. (Where he USED to pace aimlessly wanting in to socialize!) I was able to “herd” him into our spacious backyard to better manage him. I filled a kiddy pool up w water and he also...
  10. Neenax3

    Magnificent Marvelous Muscovies!

    Hello! I’m a newby on here! Brief overview...past “relationship” (7 yrs long) w goose at community pond. Magnetic bond w us, I have since developed soft spot w duck/geese. (Known as a natural “goose whisperer”.) Three years ago our now former neighbors felt our shared pond needed ducks. Brought...
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