So heartbreaking about Big Daddy. :hugs I believe you did what you could but it was way too much damage. Poor fellow.

Sounds like you have your house full and are kept busy. Maybe one day ya'll will consider Muscovy's again. They are such awesome birds.
Oh my...I’m sorry I did not intend delete that far back! “Delete” got carried away! Guess that’s the drivers fault!
At this time, I don’t believe so. We have a full house w critters (3 dogs; one is geriatric w bone deterioration, another has occasional seizures and the 3rd young ‘un makes sure there is never a dull 70#! Also NOW a 2 cat family; daughter brought home a kitten recently.)and they all seem to have needs. Fortunately, I’m home to tend to them all! Love all our fur/feather babies!
Also, undecided on long we will make our present 5 acre home our forever home.

Have fun with the rest of you pets! Maybe you'll be able to get Muscovies, again, someday!
Thank you for hugs Claire!
You're welcome! :)
It is w sadness that I share w you...I gave all of your tips to vet and he appreciated it! But upon treating at his clinic this morning he discovered it did look to be a dog bite and pretty well clean thru. Back portion of Big Daddy barely hanging on. He had begun bleeding from nose and he felt it best to put him down w the extent of damage sustained. We had a good 2 years of pleasant memories w the unplanned but welcomed arrival of Big Daddy and Cleo and they will be missed! While it was our former neighbors that brought them in, it was my pleasure to be be their caretaker and inevitably family for a time. I believe Big Daddy knew he was loved beyond a doubt in his last 24 hrs! Cleo was the affectionate one and was quick to love and trust. I had once saved her from a 5’ black snake wrapped around her body trying to get her eggs! Inevitably the snake won the eggs but I won Cleo! Big Daddy cane into the knowledge tho that he too was loved. He missed Cleo a great deal so maybe this was best.

Oh no! :hit I was so sure he'd be ok! Sorry for your loss. They were both good looking muscovies, and had a wonderful life with you as their caretaker. R.I.P
This is my Muscovy Joy she likes to lay her eggs in the chicken nest boxes. 8 yrs old and still lays once in a while.

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