Recent content by onehawk1

  1. onehawk1

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    My Two Brahma girls came as a result of an accidental purchase of my very first Brahma hen. The first one i had was thrown in on a purchase for an FFA student. A second grade teacher had hatched a group of chickens, some of which were Buff Orpingtons, some silkie and this one lone pullet he...
  2. onehawk1

    Injection site wound, is peroxide safe for a turkey skin or what can I do now ?

    As morning comes I looked out to find my turkey where he was but he has ventured out into the yard, now the question is, How long should I continue the Epsom salt compresses , he had what looked like a bruised breast, so I'm sure it was sore, but hopefully the wound will be dry now:)
  3. onehawk1

    Injection site wound, is peroxide safe for a turkey skin or what can I do now ?

    Yup he's getting better with Epsom salts, he is eating today and hope to see the pain reduce so he will walk more, he has been standing at least to move about, so will see again tommorow Thanks 1 mutts fan for clearing up the salts issue Least his appetite returned Thanks
  4. onehawk1

    Injection site wound, is peroxide safe for a turkey skin or what can I do now ?

    I was reading up on the use of Epsom salt for infections and decided to try it. I think Epsom salts are less irritating to his skin and he lay still allowing the solution to stay for about 15min, I then applied plain neosporin (without pain reliever) and a 2x2 gauze patch. When looking at wound...
  5. onehawk1

    Injection site wound, is peroxide safe for a turkey skin or what can I do now ?

    No, I have some but chose to use sea salt mixed 1/4 cup to 2cups water, I read it should be done 4 times a day but been able to do this about every 8 hours, seems to be cleaning wound area then I apply reg neosporin to a 2x2 pad and cover for another 8 hours approx
  6. onehawk1

    Injection site wound, is peroxide safe for a turkey skin or what can I do now ?

    Morning has come and dressing changed The turkey had turned himself up onto his right side in leaning fashion, taking his weight off the breast so it was easily seen and cleaned. There are a couple pockets of liquid under the skin surrounding the injection site. I cleaned area with betadine...
  7. onehawk1

    Injection site wound, is peroxide safe for a turkey skin or what can I do now ?

    EVENING UPDATE, cleaned the wound site and decided to soak with salt water compress first as it makes seeing the color of drainage easier. No more pink color from blood in drainage and wound appears to look less weepy, no color to the compress cloth, dry clean paper towel to hold n dry wound...
  8. onehawk1

    Injection site wound, is peroxide safe for a turkey skin or what can I do now ?

    The extra drainage was beginning to worry me, not knowing if this was to be expected, as it seems to be pulling more fluids to the surface. Nothing foul ( no pun ) or yellowish looking thankfully thanks
  9. onehawk1

    Injection site wound, is peroxide safe for a turkey skin or what can I do now ?

    Not dura yacht, dang auto correction but Duramyacin , Duramyacin is the only oral antibiotic sold in feed stores here in mesa az, tried other feed stores and all the others carry this same product. I have never had a beneficial outcome from using this product, told feed dealers but they say" its...
  10. onehawk1

    Injection site wound, is peroxide safe for a turkey skin or what can I do now ?

    I dont have Betadine but i do have Providone iodine which is like saying , i dont have Tylenol but i have acetaminophen as i call my pharmacy. It is labeled 10% Topical Solution and i can only assume i mix that in 10 : 1 ratio then apply it to wound for cleaning, then Neosporin without pain...
  11. onehawk1

    Injection site wound, is peroxide safe for a turkey skin or what can I do now ?

    Drainage is not clear. I read here at byc that salt soaks are good for infection, so I soaked it 10 min and removed the dressing to see pink on cloth and look at wound which now looks like a divot in skin the size large pea. Guessing we had an ablest beginning
  12. onehawk1

    Injection site wound, is peroxide safe for a turkey skin or what can I do now ?

    My tom turkey Igor had sinus infection and to save his life and get him breathing well I gave an injection or 3 actually , but one injection site began weeping today, injection was on 24 th dec , 6 days ago, what now ? Should I do, clean it ? Proactive was to add only thing I had to his water ...
  13. onehawk1

    My turkey had sinusitis and now seems he needs to get his strength back..any ideas ?

    Thank you, experience is a tough teacher, she gives the test first and the lesson after He is breathing well now that the infection is over but he was really sick and I nearly lost him before Tylan injections. I think he has to build his stamina up after being down on the ground for 5 days. He...
  14. onehawk1

    My turkey had sinusitis and now seems he needs to get his strength back..any ideas ?

    My Tom is about 40 lbs has spent last 2 summers in 1/4 acre backyard with a place for feed, water and bedding on our porch, surrounded with an open wire fence to contain his pine shavings. If he had his way, he would live indoors with us, always knocking at back door, he has quite a personality...
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