Recent content by peepsthebrassy

  1. peepsthebrassy

    Roo or Hen

    My phone won't take pictures and he just crowed again this morning so I guess he is a he thanks for you info
  2. peepsthebrassy

    Roo or Hen

    Can a hen have pointy short sattile fethers? I have a hen/roo that has short pointy sattile feathers along with hen like round ones and dances. When I had it by itself it crowed until I put other roos in with it. (Will a hen crow when there is roos to like make the others know where she is...
  3. peepsthebrassy

    Can you tell sex by saddle feathers?

    Can a hen have pointy short sattile fethers? I have a hen/roo that has short pointy sattile feathers along with hen like round ones and dances. When I had it by itself it crowed until I put other roos in with it. Then it tyred to dominate them they told it other wise and it stopped fighting...
  4. peepsthebrassy

    How to tell if a hen is laying eggs?

    I have a hen/roo that is about 5 months old that has a hen sized but space and some hen neck and back fethers, but the others are kind of pointy. they aren't rooster long and narrow like the roosters younger than it, but they do have a point and it SOUNDS like a boy?
  5. peepsthebrassy

    How to tell if a hen is laying eggs?

    Do you guys think the same method to figure out if a hen is laying can be used to tell if you have a rooster or hen at say 3 months if you are unsure just buy looking at them? Roosters would not lay eggs so the buttom area whare you feal the 2 bones on each side of the butt and the Brest bone...
  6. peepsthebrassy

    Adding roosters to flock

    Ok I got a new rooster and added him to my flock that already had a rooster they fought but my original rooster backed down. can they stay in the same cage together with my hens? I took him out before I left just in case. He and my other rooster and his flock of four hens and four of this...
  7. peepsthebrassy

    Help … my hen is growing is growing spurs…

    That looks like how long my stepmoms road island reds spur is. the hen has only one growing. Thier is a rooster in the flock. Speaking of spurs my stepmoms friend found a rooster and gave him to me. My question is he's spurs are about 1 inch long how old do you think he is from his spurs?
  8. peepsthebrassy

    Diagrams,poultry parts,charts, and lots of reading Updated Nov. 13th

    Thanks for posting this it is very use full
  9. peepsthebrassy

    Partridge Rock Thread

    Do you guys think Jupiter is roadebar or partridg She has roadbar looking adult feathreing and partridg looking chick fluff.
  10. peepsthebrassy

    D'uccle breeders Database

    I have D'unccle mixes and my grey white chicks so far have bean male they are D'unccle, D'anvers, and EE mixes so far all my grey white chicks have been boys
  11. peepsthebrassy

    d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

    Is there a difference in male and female chicks of this variety they look just one color to me. The standard black with a Brown or red Brown face
  12. peepsthebrassy

    D'uccle breeders Database

    Is there a difference in the male and female chicks of this variety of chicken
  13. peepsthebrassy

    Pupils not black but not blind!

    When I got home they looked normal I could have sworn they were different when she hatched. Do you think they turned gray because I gave her aspirin?
  14. peepsthebrassy

    Pupils not black but not blind!

    I have a chick that is 8 days old. last night I noticed that she has silver pupils. She can see because she knows where the food is and eats. She pecks at small things on the ground that a chick that could see would do. She can drink water as she can also find it although it takes her a bit...
  15. peepsthebrassy

    Okay to give aspirin to 9 week old chick?

    Can you use aspirin on a 1 week old chick with a hock tendon out of place that is swollen. I know if I get the swelling down I can get the tendon back in place. I don't have baby aspirin so would regular aspirin work. If in a very small dose.
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