Recent content by peterlund

  1. peterlund

    Comment by 'peterlund' in article 'Chickens & Euthanasia'

    If i may....if you are faced with a "first time" need to dispatch a bird.... bring in a seasoned friend... be sure your bird has no head and you still have all your fingers when the dust settles...
  2. peterlund

    Stupid Hawks

    Hawks can sink their talons deep in a bird with little visible signs. Your bird will be in shock for a day or so, but if internal injuries are severe... well.... hawk wins. Nature. Seems harsh and random, but it is "natural"....
  3. peterlund

    Stupid Hawks

    Hawks have excellent eyesight, but more importantly they will remember where they see easy prey.... You can't harm them, nor should you. Be outside (with a nice big lab or hound dog) when they are let free.
  4. peterlund

    Hen Won't Walk! Please Help!

    A meat bird? Leg issues are expected as they get immense. Bred for a short life... 50 - 60 days tops. They just can't be regular chickens. They just can't!
  5. peterlund

    Young roosters

    Yup... boys are pals until you introduce girls. =)
  6. peterlund

    Hen with Swollen eye - no other symptoms

    I will get yelled at over this, but often i have had this happen... remember that chickens scratch themselves with their pointy toes covered in poop. So... grab her.... wipe the eye if it has any mucous, smear a good dollop of neosporin INTO IT and presto. She will be as good as new in a day...
  7. peterlund

    Hello everyone!

    Now THAT was an excellent introduction! I know more about you than myself!! ;) welcome, and have fun.
  8. peterlund

    New to BYC

    My advice..... keep it simple. Don't over think it. Have fun. Be a good shepherd for your birds. Oh.... and have fun. Pray for no roosters....... ;)
  9. peterlund

    SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

    I don't get too much to freeze, but a couple times a year i make soup for my widowed father in law, and he freezes it in little batches. I think the majority of cooks have a dog or two lurking around.... :) fun thread.
  10. peterlund

    Working on a Winter Coop/Will I have enough ventilation?

    How many birds are you planning? Nice build btw. I use that smartside sheathing all the time. Excellent product!
  11. peterlund

    SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

    The smell of my spicy turkey soup is drifting through my house as i type. Simmering the veggies now, and then a handfull of home grown herbs and re-introduction of the shredded meat... Cool down and reheat tomorrow with some thin egg noodles. Enough for an army.... or my always present...
  12. peterlund

    To brine, or not to brine?

    I will give you an update. Thanks for sharing.
  13. peterlund

    chick wing bone protuding!! help!!!

    Chickens will instinctively "act normal" when injured.... a way to hide being easy prey i would guess. Enjoy him (or her). You are certainly a good chicken caregiver. Good luck.
  14. peterlund

    chick wing bone protuding!! help!!!

    It doesn't look like a fresh new would to my eyes. Almost dried out. Wings are the easiest to get injured, but this is rather severe. A disabled bird will most ALWAYS we picked on and kept apart from food, even by a hen. I am concerned about a good outcome. Good luck. Stevie Wonder sure...
  15. peterlund

    To brine, or not to brine?

    This sounds amazing, although i would call it more of a marinade than a "brine". I am certainly going to try this on a rotisserie chicken.... brushing it on all thru the cooking. Thanks for sharing.
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