Recent content by Quirkyfusion

  1. Q

    Likely Marek's disease, what works for care/treatment

    I’m sorry for the loss of Thelma. I’m dealing with this exact scenario. I’m at the let’s give it one more day and see what happens point. Have you gotten any results back?
  2. Q

    Does my chick have a spinal deformity or something else?

    You’re right. There is gonna come a point where I can’t be near her all day to make sure she’s eating, drinking, not getting stuck somewhere, or is too slow to evade predators. My heart hurts for her 😔
  3. Q

    Does my chick have a spinal deformity or something else?

    S/he is such a sweetheart though. Loves to snuggle it’s siblings, loves to be picked up. It’s getting around (although not very well) and tries to follow the others around, pecks at the colored bells in the brooder, talks to itself in the mirror. Ugh...Sometimes I really wish I wasn’t such a softy.
  4. Q

    Does my chick have a spinal deformity or something else?

    It manages to get around on its own, although not very well because it steps on its opposite foot. I did get it from a breeder, but she only let me have it because it was a full and I said I’d take it to see if I could help it...if so, I won’t be breeding it’ll stay a pet and live...
  5. Q

    Does my chick have a spinal deformity or something else?

    I purchased lavender Ameraucana (NOT Easter Eggers) chicks yesterday (approx 1 week old) and was offered this cull to see if I could do anything for it. I could tell there was a leg issue and at first thought splayed leg. I’m wondering now if s/he has a spinal deformity. The shoulders/wings are...
  6. Q

    Silkie chicks to small to eat crumble, tired of mashing it up

    Oh man you’re working to too hard lol. Get a large mason jar, fill a 3rd of the way with feed, add enough water to cover the feed but there’s still enough room at the top for expansion, set the cap on but don’t tighten it, and leave it on your countertop. Scoop out what you need when it’s...
  7. Q

    Leghorn Ancona Cross

    Are these a cross? If so did you do Ancona over Leghorn or vice versa? I can’t wait to see how they come out!
  8. Q

    Leghorn Ancona Cross

    How did this pan out for you? I plan to do the same this spring. I have a cream legbar roo I was thinking of playing around with as well.
  9. Q

    Blue Cochin/Salmon Favorelle Cross

    Did you end up breeding blue favorelles? She is soooo darn adorable!
  10. Q

    20 week old leghorn cockerel was hit with a broom and won’t move.

    I am SO, so sorry. You took such excellent care of him. I hope knowing that he felt all of the love and care you gave him at the end, brings you some comfort. He is a very fortunate soul....if only all of our chickens could feel that loved at the end.
  11. Q

    20 week old leghorn cockerel was hit with a broom and won’t move.

    Has he been trying to move around at all? Like to get up or walk or anything like that? I would definitely give him electrolytes (or honey or molasses) in his water, there is something called Nutri-Drench that I’m currently giving to my failure to thrive can add it to his water or...
  12. Q

    20 week old leghorn cockerel was hit with a broom and won’t move.

    Do you have any electrolytes you could add to his water? Or even honey or molasses? That would help as well to restore some balance back into his system. Scrambled or boiled eggs are something else I’ve read is good for sick, injured or weak chickens.
  13. Q

    20 week old leghorn cockerel was hit with a broom and won’t move.

    I think so. If he was constipated from drinking less water, then i imagine that could cause prolapse. What I’ve read so far if you give a small amount of coconut oil and run a little Preparation H on the vent.
  14. Q

    20 week old leghorn cockerel was hit with a broom and won’t move.

    I’m new to this myself...but possibly a prolapsed vent? Maybe if he had poo against his bottom, and if it dried at all it could’ve prevented the vent from going back inside? I’m asking Dr. Google right now
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