Recent content by richred1

  1. richred1

    First time hatching!

    thank you!
  2. richred1

    First time hatching!

    Thank you! I think so too!
  3. richred1

    First time hatching!

    Here's my first hatch out....Chicken Little.....she's 6month old now. Her sister/brother didn't make it. So, I had to pay extra attention to this little one until it was time for her to go out with the full grown chickens. She definitely prefers my company over theirs but she's adjusting well...
  4. richred1

    Orpington hen or cockerel?

    Thanks. She is and she's so sweet too. Loves sitting on my lap.
  5. richred1

    Orpington hen or cockerel?

    Thanks y'all! That was my train of thought too. I was just bit by the curiosity of it all. Currently I refer to it as a she. I hope she stays a she but it's cool either way. I just really want more hens for more eggs.
  6. richred1

    Orpington hen or cockerel?

    He/she is only 7 weeks and I realize that it's not the optimal time to make a determination on sex, but I'm curious as to what others suspect it may be. So, here are some pics of my 1st ever hatchling.
  7. richred1

    First time hatch

    Thank you so much! I let her sit on the other extras an extra 48 hours but she started kicking them around a lot more...not like how she was moving them before with her beak in a seemingly gentle way...but more in the way she wanted them out of her way. I figured she was done. I ended up with 2...
  8. richred1

    First time hatch

    So, my hen surprised a little while back and started laying and sitting in eggs that I didn't know were there. Last year, although they were only a year old, they stopped laying during the summer. FYI: they are my first flock ever. So, I just assumed that was what was happening. Anyhow, I...
  9. richred1

    First time hatching!

    I'm so excited, I just had to share! My chickens had dropped off laying eggs during our Texas heat and I kind of just assumed that they were done for a bit. Then a few weeks ago, I noticed my Blue Orpington "Ceto" wasn't getting out of the besting box. I thought she was sick or something so, I...
  10. richred1

    Mean rooster

    I really appreciate all the replies. Like I said before I've had this guy since he was 4 days old, treated him no different than any of the others. He's a speckled Oprington and he's quite beautiful, I was kind of favoring him a bit. Just in my mind, didn't show it outwardly. He was quite fond...
  11. richred1

    Mean rooster

    Ok. So, I know that roosters inheritly are the protectors of the flock. But I guess my questions are: Do only some mellow out as they get older? Do some get more aggressive with age? Is the current behavior only a inkling of what is yet to come? Reason I'm asking: I have a Splash Orpington...
  12. richred1

    SO Excited!!!! 1st egg!!!

    LOL! Right!
  13. richred1

    SO Excited!!!! 1st egg!!!

    I have 4 hens. I'm certain because of the color this egg is from my RIR, I'm still expecting 1st eggs from my Amerucana and both my orpingtons. So, I have a few more first to celebrate. So Awesome. But I will TRY to be patient.
  14. richred1

    SO Excited!!!! 1st egg!!!

    LOL!! So what you're saying is I may get more obsessed looking for eggs?? I can just hear my son now...."mom, really? I think you're losing it."
  15. richred1

    SO Excited!!!! 1st egg!!!

    LOL!!! It's possible! I was definitely that woman!
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