Recent content by so lucky

  1. so lucky

    Collected Honey Bee Swarm of Shaky Deck in Columbia, MO

    So I'll ask the same question your daughter asked. Why did they not sting? Other than the one she stepped on?
  2. so lucky

    Question re: Chicken Behaviors

    They just like to have a dust bath to clean their feathers, rid themselves of mites and probably because it feels good. All chickens (I assume) need a place they can dust bathe. Many people put a container in the chicken yard filled with dirt or fine sand. If you do this, try to put it where it...
  3. so lucky

    Damn mud.

    Is your run wet because it is uncovered and it is raining a lot, or because it is in a low area that water collects in? Or both? If it is in a low area, you may have to do a little landscaping to divert the water away from the run. In my experience, the lighter and larger the litter is, the more...
  4. so lucky

    Chicken field trip - will they follow me to my garden?

    My chickens can fly over the 4 ft garden fence. I am dreading dealing with this after the garden gets planted. I may have to do some wing feather clipping.
  5. so lucky

    Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

    What are 50 x 50 burgers?
  6. so lucky

    Gardening in the chicken run?

    If you have your chicken wire supported, pretty tall, covered, and at least a foot away from the actual garden plants, I think it would work. I tried fencing off some sunflower seedlings and the chickens managed to flatten the wire enough to reach the plants. Oh, your diagram did not show up.
  7. so lucky

    Pecking order question

    You know, I thought this was my post until I realized I am not MJP, lol! I had the same type set up, front and back roost, 8 chickens, all wanting the front roost. One chicken being picked on. One biggest bully. In my case, the bully "up and died" from I have no idea what. The mood in the coop...
  8. so lucky

    How do you keep chicken run from smelling?

    Your climate and weather makes a difference as to what and how severe the issue becomes. In SE Missouri, humidity makes our fly and stink problem pretty bad. Here's what all I tried last summer and fall: Add hay (bad idea) Add straw (not the best) add wood chips for landscaping (good, but I...
  9. so lucky


    No, but if there is no roo with the girls, one of them might take on some male tendencies. Like "Well, somebody's gotta boss these girls around!" I was just thinking of crowing, bullying, feathers, but maybe spurs, too.
  10. so lucky

    Feather pecker

    Can you identify when she does the picking? Like when the victims try to eat, or on the roost at night, or could it be a territorial issue, or.....could it be out of boredom? Although with the whole back yard to roam around in, I don't see why she would be bored.
  11. so lucky


    Thanks for posting this.
  12. so lucky

    What did you do in the garden today?

    A couple years ago I read that you can just cut pieces of your long sweet potato vines and stick them in the ground, cover with a flower pot or bucket, and leave for about 10 days. They will sprout roots on their own and grow just fine. I tried it and it works well.
  13. so lucky

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Kqren, I see a few people walking around with masks on and just assumed it was because they had a cold or virus and were trying to keep from spreading it. I don't think we have corona virus here in MO yet. Man, I hope I don't have to wear a mask. I hate those things!
  14. so lucky

    Kitty and Dog Thread, Show Me What You Got, other critters welcome too

    A few years ago I started buying newly hatched birds and hand raising them. English budgies, cockatiels, sun conures, love birds. They were so much fun and I had no trouble selling them. On average, English budgies sold for about 3 or 4 times what the regular budgie sold for. That may be why you...
  15. so lucky

    Neighborhood Cat

    I think if the cat is well fed, you won't have a problem. Particularly considering your black sex links are larger than the cat. A feral cat may be more of a threat, though.
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