Recent content by tinuviel_k

  1. tinuviel_k

    A crest? What is going on with my EE?

    Well Keesmom, I looked around at cream legbar chicks and I believe you are right... I am quite sure that is what she is, or at least she has some in her background. Her coloring matches the cream legbar pullets perfectly, and she certainly has the crest. The only thing throwing me is the feather...
  2. tinuviel_k

    The coop is finished! The Garden Coop with a few mods...

    I decided to go with the Garden Coop plans when I decided to build our coop. I am really happy with the results! The plans were clear and easy to follow, and my husband did a nice job modifying in several areas. We had a lot of fun building it! The coop and run is about 10 X 6 feet. I have ten...
  3. tinuviel_k

    A crest? What is going on with my EE?

    One of my Easter Egger chicks is developing what looks to be a crest or a tuft on top of her head. Is this a normal occurrence? I've never seen any EE pics with feathers quite like this up top. Here she (he?) is at 5.5 weeks...
  4. tinuviel_k

    Big size difference in chicks?

    That's what I was afraid of! Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed that (s)he is just precocious.
  5. tinuviel_k

    Big size difference in chicks?

    My baby chicks arrived on the 24th of June, and are probably about 12 or 13 days old. I have seevral different breeds, and some are developing faster than other, which I assume is normal. For instance, two salmon faverolles are still looking quite "chick like" and downy with tiny wing feathers...
  6. tinuviel_k

    Sick at heart

    I'm sorry. :(
  7. tinuviel_k

    Looking for good portable coop plans... I don't mind paying for them

    Thanks for the suggestions! I found another tractor plan: It looks interesting, and i may give it a try. The coop is 4X4, and the run is 4X8. It looks quite easy to move around.
  8. tinuviel_k

    Looking for good portable coop plans... I don't mind paying for them

    I am looking to build a chicken tractor this year, and I am the kind of person that needs to use detailed plans: I don't do too well "winging it." I am having a hard time finding plans, and was hoping some of you wise folks might be able to point me in the right direction. Free plans are fine...
  9. tinuviel_k

    how much do you charge for your eggs?

    I have not started my flock or started selling eggs, but in my area (Western Washington) I pay about $4.30 for a small-scale local farm's free ranged eggs, and $5.50 for organic pastured local eggs.
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