Recent content by Whooper

  1. Whooper


    I know it's a bad picture but wondering if someone could tell me if this is a fertile egg? If it is, does one of my hens need to be laying on the eggs all the time. Every time I go into the coop they aren't on the eggs.
  2. Whooper

    fertile eggs?

    is this fertile? is this a roo?
  3. Whooper


    I started my flock with 7 chickens (all still here) 2 muscovys(female) 2 rouens(male) and 2 pekins(female). 1 pekin passed because of heat. The other day my boyfriend went out to water them in the morning and one of my muscovys was dead with no head. This morning he went out again and one Rouen...
  4. Whooper

    Barred Plymouth Rock Gender!

    Thank you for this. I have 2 of this breed that are about 3 weeks old now. Ordered one male and one female and wasn't sure which was which. Thank you
  5. Whooper

    Introducing a hen to my chicks and ducklings

    Hello. I have 7 chicks and 6 ducks and am hoping to start putting them outside since the weather is nice. I did try and put my ducklings and chicks in the same brooder (big old dog crate) however the ducklings must have sat on them and got them all wet as they were on the edge of dying. They are...
  6. Whooper

    Anyone name your chicks yet?

    Naming my chicks was very fun. Had my 3 year old daughter help Plymouth Rock Female - Claudia Plymouth Rock Male - Peter Pecker Rhode Island Red Female - Gladis White Legghorn Female - Miss Foghorn Black Sex Link Female - Dori Black Sex Link Female - Nuggitta
  7. Whooper

    What kind of ducks do we have?

    They look like white Perkins.
  8. Whooper

    Moving chicks outside

    I'm in Ontario and lately it's been nice and hot out. I know it would be early just thought they might like the room. I think I might try it after the weekend since its supposed to be rainy and my man has to build the coop. Thanks for your inputs. I'm hoping they enjoy it out there so it's less...
  9. Whooper

    Moving chicks outside

    When is the earliest I can move my chicks outside? They are about a week old. I have ducklings as well that are about the same age and am wondering about them also. They are in bins in my downstairs bathroom and even with daily cleanings obviously they still have an odour. They are also starting...
  10. Whooper

    First time duck and chick owner

    I have put my waterer up on a container which has made a world of difference. This site is amazing. How do I start a new thread? "Face palm"
  11. Whooper


    With the watering situation I put mine on top of a plastic container. Was so happy when I checked in them half an hour later and there was still water in the dish and the shaving weren't soaked.
  12. Whooper


    Is this a common problem with first time duck owners?
  13. Whooper


    I just went and checked on my ducklings (I have 6) and noticed that a couple of them have turned in legs. I just put them in the bath for the first time (they are about a week old and hope that's okay) will definitely be getting my boyfriend to get niacin. They are on chick starter feed. Is it...
  14. Whooper

    Some new pics of my tic tacs(ie; call babies lol)

    How old are they? Mine are either the same size or a little bigger and I wasn't sure if I could let them outside for a bit
  15. Whooper

    First time duck and chick owner

    Thank you. It's a good thing these things are cute cuz if its not one problem it's another. Now my chicks are starting to jump on top of their tub. I don't have any extra screen or anything to put on top. They are a week old today. Would it be too early to put them out in a coop with the...
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