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  • first time broody hen had no eggs to set so I slipped in 2 wood duck eggs I found..and well, they's day3and she is taking them around yard and scratching but I'm not sure they are eating proper..should I take them away or let them survive as chickens??
    I posted my coop under coop designs. How do you get it to show up in specific areas such as 'Medium Coops'? I also saw on the main page where it says commonly used tags. How do you add tags to your design?
    How do you post a thread to the Pennsylvania Unite forum? Tried posting to the PA forum and the post went into Where Are . . . which is more widespread.
    Hi can you support a friend of mines chicken who has had her leg amputated due to a problem with it and now has entered a beautiful chicken contest. They paid for a trip to the vets for the operation rather than loose a loved chicken and she's doing well. The link to the website is
    Write something to support...I have tried at least ten times to post to the thread for the male in the flock photo contest and it will not let me post a picture! I can comment all day long but when I try to post it says its posting but when. I preview its not there! Please help! I have a striking barred rock male who is antsy to win that photo contest! :)
    Hello all,

    I heard yesterday that one can sex eggs prior to them hatching, is there any truth to this? Round eggs are supposedly pullets and pointed eggs are cockerels??
    I need to know how do you post a wanted post for certain kinds of chickens on BYC please?? thank you, rennea Esposito burgess. iam a member of BYC. please email me back asap. I would like to post a wanted ad with BYC. ASAP. THANKS.
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