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  • Introducing my frizzle paint Sherman Shuffle.
    We finally got another one after Zoomie passed.He is awesome.
    He actually dances & loves to swing 🥰
    I can take pics if someone can give me advice.Im thinking temp changes did it.I also did the float test it floated as if theirs a living Embryo.I don't want to open or kill a baby.No foul odor what so ever .
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    Reactions: chrissynemetz
    Are these any help?
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    Reactions: MGG
    Yup those are good pics.
    That's a late quitter though sadly. The yellowy color is always indicative of quitters. Sorry for your loss!
    @ MGG
    Sadly thank you,you are 100.It was the worse smell I've ever encountered. And sadly fully developed it was a frizzle .It had barely.any yolk .I guess the diff Temps conficted.I appreciate you, I disposed.
    I have a silkie egg I set when i set Mayc which arrived Sat.I can see small movement.Im curious is it because the silkie egg Sat on my counter for 7 days before I incubated under a broody then had. To move to the incubator because she wouldn't sit long.I THINK ITS DAY 23 OR 24 ? what would you do?
    I recently purchased a paint frizzle rooster.His name is Sherman Shuffles.He has taken up with my solid white silkie bantam Lily. She is now sitting on eggs.Ms.Broody.I am.curious is it likely all babies will be solid white or is there a chance of paint also?
    Took a break.Last year I decided to incubate eggs two were Barrred rocks & the rest silkies.I posted my journey & my hatchlings.I had 7 babies survive.I keep loosing every one that was incubated.They are going on 1 now.I have noticed 2 of my silkies Dont have WATTLES.had another one pass Sat.She has no wattles.I've never seen this.i am now down to 2 silkies from my hatch.Oomie & Lilly.
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