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  • Hello! I need help from Nepal. The stray dogs have grown in uncontrollable number here in kathmandu. They kill chickens kept by my poor sister. Recently two dogs are walking in street biting everyone in the way. I think they have Rabies. We have complained in ward office but the government authorities are useless here. I want to know the cheap way to poison them. Please let me know.
    I'm not happy. I wanted to start a conversation and it wanted me to put in friends. Well I'm new and I have not asked anything for a long time. Plus I didn't have a computer from Jan of this year till about three weeks ago. So I don't like that. I'll just look on the internet for my answers.
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    Reactions: Skipper81
    Debbi H
    Debbi H
    You don't have to have friends to start a thread. I thought the same thing you did when I was new. Just go to Forums, click on a topic that you are interested in, and at the top of the page you can start a thread that everyone can respond to.
    Your jabber says:I have moved on. My experience on this site was great, but in leaving, I have been released from a cage--I'm a bird set free. This is site is water under a bridge for me now. Bye.

    Are YOU REALLY leaving, or is it just a poum?

    I'm doing well! The election results and my birthday have got me happy happy happy :p
    I lost a guinea yesterday to a predator, who we still haven't been able to catch, but other than that, life is great.
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