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  • How does the rank system work: new egg, just hatched, chill'n with..., overrun with chickens...etc How do you get promoted?
    I've had alerts others are "following" me, what does it mean? If I were to "follow" others, what does that mean/do? Love your site, just unsure about items. Members have been great helping/teaching, I'm sure they'd answer this for me but ....
    I am "chickenmeadow" & I used to be "save the favs" here on BYC. Am I able to combine the prior history of save the favs to my current account & keep all of the current accounts info intact, including the new name? Is that possible? Would like to easily look back on prior posts that included incubation experiences & post info from others. Thank you.
    Heyy is there anyway my username can be changed to Karinspinn? I read that only a administrator could do that.. thanks
    BYC Support
    BYC Support
    It looks like it's already been done.
    I stay logged in on Explorer, but can't log in using Edge or other device, I got on here with explorer to check my Password and it keeps telling me to verify it, but then tells me It isn't incorrect. I have never changed it since I finally got on as a member, and have left it signed in all the time, so I could get in easily. Now if I get kicked off somehow, I cannot get back on. Help.
    BYC Support
    BYC Support
    I'm not sure I understand your issue, what do you need to verify? If you forgot your password, you can log out and reset it, but it won't tell you your current password.
    I haven't forgotten my password. It is written down. If I log out, then how do I reset it? It just says I have the wrong password. don't know why. It accepted it when I started this account, and I have stayed logged in for months. Maybe it forgot my password. Anyway thank you.. I guess I just need to reset it.
    Does the Tapatalk app support BYC forums?
    BYC Support
    BYC Support
    No, but we do have apps for iOS and Android.
    I asked Tapatalk support about how to add BYC to their list of supported sites and they said the admin from the site has to be the one to do it. Tapatalk is one of the largest and most used apps for forum users, it allows users to follow and post to all the forums they are in, in one app.Would you or would you ask who could to check in to it please?
    BYC Support
    BYC Support
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