
Amber Whites

The Amber White is a cross between a Rhode Island Red and Rhode Island White. They are a calm,...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Breed Colors/Varieties
amber white
Breed Size
Large Fowl
The Amber White is a cross between a Rhode Island Red and Rhode Island White. They are a calm, easily adaptable bird with excellent livability. The Ambers beautiful brown egg color and good feathering throughout the lay makes her a preferred product.

Latest reviews

Friendly docile and smart
We had an Amber White (sweetie bird) as our pet chicken. She laid more consistant than any other chicken breed we've had. She would come running when called by name. She came to the house every to get a treat and lay her egg, would kill mice. And follow me around like a dog. She would even jump in the car with me at times and sit on my lap. To bad the niehbors dogs snuck over and killed her. Owning chickens isn't the same without her. Will be buying another amber white for sure.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
Also she layed year round with no added light, and took great care of her chicks when we let her go broody.
Pros: Very calm, friendly, great layers
Cons: white feathers, eat alot
My friend has an amber white and I want one SOOO bad!!! She is one of her 3 and 4 year old girl's favorite chickens, and definitely not without reason. She is amazing!
Pros: Friendly and good with children, decent layers and do well in cold, hot and wet weather
Cons: None
Overall I'd say they're a very good breed. I have two Amber Whites named Jelly-Bean aka The Bean and Merlina. They are both very friendly and do very well with my younger brother and sister, they like to be held and pet. They lay average size brown eggs that have a very hard shell and they lay usually one egg per day. They do well in hot, dry, cold and wet weather. I would recommend this breed.


Wow she sounds like a special hen !!

I would certainly want to raise some out of her .... you have been given a real gift and we don't get many of these opportunities in life .
If i were you i would want to find a good rooster of her breeding(this is best) ..... (or a good rooster of similiar breeding and type) and put them together and raise a flock of them -- then save the best rooster out of these and breed him back to her(if you decide to do this i will tell you more) .

But , what is a "Amber White" ? How are the bred ? "my email address"([email protected])
Thanks for any info ,
Wow she sounds like a special hen !!

I would certainly want to raise some out of her .... you have been given a real gift and we don't get many of these opportunities in life .
If i were you i would want to find a good rooster of her breeding(this is best) ..... (or a good rooster of similiar breeding and type) and put them together and raise a flock of them -- then save the best rooster out of these and breed him back to her(if you decide to do this i will tell you more) .

But , what is a "Amber White" ? How are the bred ? "my email address"([email protected])
Thanks for any info ,

Item information

Chicken Breeds
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4.63 star(s) 8 ratings

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