

The Ameraucana was developed in the 70's by a few people who were trying to standardize the...
Pros: So kind and cute
Cons: None
I dont understand the reviews on them being skittish, its called babying them! If you want a nice chicken you have to play with them and make them think youre the mother hen. I know I have, they call for me when i leave the room and just generally love being around me, I love it. Bottom line, dont listen to others saying this breed is skittish, they are very docile birds so if they say theyre skittish, its just how they raised them
I have one full Ameraucana (we named her Liberty) and she so far (two weeks) been a great bird. She was laying when we got her and despite the long hot caged car ride home (3 hours) she kept right on laying. Since we got her she lays about 3 days and then takes a day off. She lays very late in the day though. When we got her she had been the favorite among the Roo's and was missing most of the feathers on her back and back of her head. We doctored her up when we first got her as the skin was red and raw and she did fine. She doesn't like being caught...but once she is she settles down. She too (like my two EE's) isn't very concerned about treats and would rather forage. (Although everybody loves Mama's strawberry, banana, & mealworm popsicles.) She isn't aggressive to the rest of the flock, even my adolescents (she's about a year and a half old). She has established herself as the queen bee without being aggressive. She won't poop in the coop and holds it though the night until she is let out in the morning (You would think a large dog was in the run by the size of her poos). She does get pretty noisy when alarmed (which is good). She also gets loud before and after she lays! I guess she is announcing that she's gonna and then that she's done! So far I really enjoy her and being as she is the only hen that I have that is currently paying rent I'd have to rate her at the top of my flock!

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Pros: Looks after my barred rock,very good layer,mostly gentle
Cons: None so far.
I love our Ameraucana Cider. She looks after the other chicken,is a very good layer,and is pretty gentle. Although she doesn't like to be picked up,she won't struggle if I do.
Pros: They are great layers, friendly, have funny personalities, do well in cold climates
Cons: Do not do good in condinement
Amazing birds will definitely get more
Pros: smart, great layers, friendly
Mt Ameraucanas lay green and blue eggs which are nice non dyed Easter eggs! They lay a few times a week and are great foragers mainly eating grass, rolly polys and other bugs they find in the yard. They are great in the cold and warm seasons. They are smart and friendly and great for a small backyard flock!
Pros: Friendly, cute, awesome!
Cons: None
We got our ameraucanas about two weeks ago and I love them! Our ameraucans, Mary, Georgie, and Caroline are all blue. Their plumage is absolutely gorgeous! And I love stroking their beards. They get along with the rest of the flock perfectly and I love going to the barn to collect eggs and finding blue ones. This is one of my favorite breeds!
Pros: Friendly, beautiful egg color, beautiful birds
Cons: For us at least, they completely stopped laying after about 4 and a half years
Awesome birds. We've been keeping them for about six or seven years now. The one that we have left from our original batch (6-7 years old now) has since stopped laying eggs but in her younger days they all laid about 6 eggs a week in the first year. After that production slowed a little but we were still overrun with eggs from our 5 Ameraucanas and 1 Barred Rock.
They are a super gentle, friendly breed who come when they are called for a tasty treat and they will follow you around the yard if you let them. This has been my favorite breed so far (we have since gotten breeds of ducks and many other breeds of chickens) and their beautiful eggs will have all your neighbors wanting eggs. They certianly do add a splash of color to the egg basket in the morning!
Pros: good layers, good foraging chickens, low maintenance, gorgeous feathering
Cons: not lap chickens, can be flighty...
our 13 ameracaunas are beautiful and good layers, never go broody, and are good foragers… one of my favorite breeds!
Pros: Hearty, lay all year
Cons: Can take up to 6-9 months to start laying
Beautiful chickens with easygoing dispositions. Hearty birds, we've had one that has survived 2 attacks by a hawk, fought the hawk and survived a brutal fox attack. These chickens lay all winter. Beautiful colors. Very friendly and distinct personalities. Not afraid of much. Have killed copperheads and eaten them.
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Pros: Cold Tolerant, Heat Tolerant, Beautiful Eggs, Great Colors
Cons: Talkative, Varying Personalities, Inconsistent Layers, Passive
Our family got three Wheaten Ameraucanas from a local hatchery. We got our birds a little late, so they were quite skittish and did not grow up with the rest of the flock (though they were introduced early enough we didn't have a problem with aggression).

Social Features: (3/5)
Our wheatens are the bottom of the pecking order and I don't believe it's necessarily their late introduction. They are smaller birds compared to Australorps and are easily pushed around; they don't seem prone to fighting back. Because of the more assertive nature of our Australorps, the wheatens did not integrate quickly with the flock, preferring to stay together and away from the other birds. They are much more likely to get along with laid back breeds, such as our Faverolles.
Whether or not they bond or want to interact with you is a coin-toss. One of our birds continues to be wary of us, while the other will literally hop on your shoulder and squawk up a storm in your ear. Neither of them peck at us and both will now feed from hand, but both are often pushed aside by the other birds.

Egg Laying Features: (3/5)
Our Ameraucanas started laying in late winter (8 or 9 months old) and initially started out as very dependable layers. They gave us an egg consistently every other day in sub-zero temperatures and snow. The eggs started of more of a seafoam green but have paled and become a bit more of a pure pastel blue over time. They are small to medium in size.
Recently, as temperatures have become more favorable (in the 60s and 70s), they have stopped laying almost all together. From the two birds we kept (one of the three was a rooster), we not get a single blue egg every 4 or 5 days. They have become our worst layers and it's rather unfortunate. Neither have shown any signs of being broody.

Climate Features: (4/5)
We live in the Salt Lake Valley area in Utah and get temperatures up in the 100s and down below freezing. It snows, it gets wet and muddy, it gets dry and hot, it blows up a storm. The wheatens have tolerated weather conditions nicely.
Clean legs mean they don't get muddied up too bad, but their muffs can get dirty from eating. They had no problems with frostbite and did not seem to mind the heat terribly.
These birds probably consume more than their fair share of food however. While they are light bodied, they have no foraging skills at all.
They lay big green/blue eggs. They tend to be lower in the pecking order. Ours really get beat up from our rooster. Our one is an egg eater. they are not all that friendly. They are my shyest birds.
Pros: Very pretty, Is nice to other birds, calm, and broody
Cons: Not the most friendly to humans
Ameraucana's are very nice birds their pretty and cute. They aren't the friendliest to humans you can pet and pick them up. But you can't go right up to them and pick them up. Over all they are great birds! also great mothers!!!
Pros: Lays every day, gets along with other chickens, beautiful.
Cons: None.
I have a darling Ameraucana named Lana (after Lana Del Rey). She lays beautiful, creamy green colored eggs every day. The only problem I have with her is that she is skittish, but I'm sure this is just her and not the breed, as we got her at 4 months old and she had not had a lot of human contact. She is now 7 months old and getting friendlier every day!
Pros: BEAUTIFUL! friendly, not dominant, beautiful egg colors, good towards other chickens, very sweet even when not tame
Cons: None that I can think of
I really enjoy my Ameraucanas. They are great birds and are absolutely gorgeous! I totally recommend them to everyone.
Pros: Large eggs, lay almost every day, all year long, very hardy and healthy, friendly, smart, and easy going.
Cons: None
Good all around chicken. Mine lay large eggs almost every day all year long. (I live in NC and do not use additional lighting.) They are hardy and healthy, friendly and easy going. I have a mixed flock and also like Buff Orpingtons and Australthorps. These also laid a lot of eggs; however my Aussie died young I believe of heat stroke, and my Orpington died young of impaction. If I could have only one bird it would be the Ameraucana.
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Pros: Friendly, sweet, gentle, smart, fluffy
Cons: Escape artists! :)
I have a white Ameraucana named Angel, and she is SO friendly! She follows me around and loves to be picked up and pet!
She is very gentle with the little birds and is very pretty and soft. She is, however,
very smart, and get get out of the coop in no time flat. I highly recommend them, and I think they are a great breed!!
Pros: Pretty Blue or Green eggs, Pretty to look at, Friendly.
Cons: None
I own one of these pretty birds....
if i get more hens....It would be that breed.
Pros: They lay blue-green eggs, lays a good amount of eggs,cold friendly,not completely mean,social, and are great free rangers
Cons: They can't be cramped up (to me good, I like free rangers)
I have had Americana chickens before, but they died eventually. This year I will get new ones, starting as chicks. I am "eggcited" :)lol: haha egg pun, I couldn't help myself) about getting new chickens. It will be fun to have them again. They are great overall chickens. :D
Pros: Cold hardy, Great free rangers, friendly, sociable, blue eggs
Cons: can be flighty
I have had show Ameraucanas for a long time. Their fun personalities and hardiness never stops amazing me. I have had these hens and roosters pull out of some severe injuries very quickly and have a good recovery. These chickens are also the leaders of my flock. They lay very pretty blue eggs and are consistent good layers year around. These breeds are great for free ranging.
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Pros: Friendly, Fun
Cons: Slow egg layers,
I love Ameraucana's! They are awesome birds, we have three birds: Mable, Maple and Susie. Mable is a Red one and she is cute but not very friendly. Maple is cream and she is very chatty and pretty friendly. Susie does not have a beard. She is friendly too. Mable lays green eggs and Maple lays blue and Susie lay blue polkadot eggs. I love them all very much.
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