Reviews by bruce89123


Super Admin
Pros: Frequint layers of large brown eggs
Cons: none

My Delaware is a little on the controlling side of the other hens on my flock, however this could be just because she is the dominant hen of the flock. My Delaware is less noisy than the average chicken and lay more eggs than the average hen. Overall, a great addition to a backyard flock.
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Super Admin
Pros: Calm, Good egg-layers, Quite
Cons: None
This is the breed I'm hooked on now. Mine lay on average 5 eggs a week. The thing I like the most is how quite they are, even when laying. I live in a cramped Las Vegas neighborhood and these hens never make enough noise to alert the neighbor to their presence.
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Super Admin
Pros: Prolific egg-layers
Cons: Constant noise makers

My two Ancona hens, Heckle & Jeckle. Named so because they are always right next to each other just like in the cartoon.

I love my Anconas. They have got the most funny personalities and very lively. Mine are the most frequent layers in my flock and very rarely skip a day egg-laying. They do however make constant noise. Not too loud, just what seems like a constant wining. These birds are a little on the flighty side and have great jumping ability. Even with flight feathers trimmed mine can jump much higher than the rest of the hens in my flock.
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