Reviews by Chambertin

Pros: Big, can hold almost 2 dozen eggs
Cons: Everything else
I will update this as my first trial was just terrible.

Set a bunch of eggs after I tried it out for a couple days to ensure it had good temps. Everything looked OK until I put eggs in.
The humidity gets cooked out so fast you have to open it up every 4 to 6 hours to add water to it unless you waste more money on some automatic watering system.
With all that opening and closing (even if you try to add water through the vent) it cant hold a temperature for a darn. Even with the fan there were distinct temperature layers and vast fluctuations even in the period when it wasn't opened (from 105 at the top to 96 for a low). Horrible performance all around.

I had some very important eggs in there and am extremely dissatisfied with this incubator.
If you have anything you care about my advice is to get a different incubator or build your own. The wafer temperature device is just not quality enough to support the price tag on this company's incubators.

I'll try it once more knowing how bad it is and see if it can deliver a hatch rate, but its by NO means worth the money they ask for it.

Here's an incubator fumbled together for about 40$ US and it works 10x better
Should have brought it home with me...

Sorry but this just isn't worth the price
(the $120 was for the kit that had an installed fan and auto turner)
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Super Admin
Pros: Friendly, Smart, Unique, Good Layer, Not Messy!
Cons: Cant think of one (they even taste great)
I've had them for nearly a year now and they are such a great chicken.
Really entertaining to watch them grow up and they look different from other chickens most people know so its easy for others to understand the pet chicken idea. They lay very steady and mine have good sized eggs, nice white ones so anyone who doesn't know where eggs come from wont know the difference with these.

They are quite smart and will learn quickly, my Houdans learned to peck the back door to come inside from watching the dog scratch at it. Most important they really have unique personalities and if they get friendly with you it lasts for life. They will notice when someone or something is missing too, if we ever have a girl who goes broody or gets sick the rooster will pace along the door until we put her back. Even after 29 days the rooster was still looking for his broody girl and welcomed her back like nothing changed chicks and all.
That in mind there are always the special ones, but any breed makes a dunce or two every generation.

My favorite part is that although the crest will get beat up doing normal chicken things they are by far a clean breed. Compared to other standard breeds they shed much less dust, appear to be more poop conscious (less in the food etc.) and are always less messy when you pick them up. It's as if they know they are borderline house chickens and want to keep clean for those special days the door opens.

Get them, keep them, love them.
Best Chickens I have ever seen.



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