Reviews by chickery-do

Pros: Great size and price for start up!
Cons: The threads don't last that long
I love the fact that it hangs. Keeps the bugs out and the small little critters out! And the price is right for the backyard farmer ;)
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Pros: VERY Good Layers right thru our cold winter.
Cons: To Aggressive, Hates to be second in anything!
I have 2 and they have been laying 2 eggs a day since day one.
Before I had they I had 6 Americana's and I would get 4 to 6 eggs a day. Their coop and aviary smelled a bit but once I got the reds, that's when we noticed they stunk! I had them in a very large dog cage so that I could acclimate the two girls to the Americana's. And their cage would stink to high heaven, you would of never guessed it had been cleaned the day before.

I've had to put aprons on the Americana's, I wish they had neck socks also!
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