Reviews by ChickHick134


Pros: Good egg layers, come up to me and follow
Cons: Try to peck my hands mistaking it as food, don't move when I walk causing me to accidently step on them
Lovely birds, good egg layers, great looking feathers. I have about 6 SS in my flock of 40 and they are the most friendly, always run up to me when I walk through the gate. They tend to not move though when I'm trying to get through the flock and get stepped on which can cause injury. Their feathers can be beautiful, I have one that has an almost all white head but her speckles begin to sprinkle down through her body.


Super Admin
Pros: Don't need much space, cool looking feathers
Cons: They fly, roosters were mean, skittish
Sebrights have absolutely cool looking feathers almost snakes. I ordered about 4 or 5 Sebrights with an assortment of bantams and got one hen and the rest roosters a mix of silver and gold. The roosters were not friendly at all, often would get attacked when I was passing out food. The hen was nice but always flew or ran away when I went up to her. They don't lay a lot and the eggs are tiny. The chickens are easy to step on themselves.
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