Reviews by CSisley

Pros: Can hold her own, good forager, pretty/cute
Cons: Especially aggressive
My buff Brahma bantam is one of the feistiest chickens I own. I bought her as a chick from My Pet Chicken and I named her piglet because whenever I would pick her up she would squeal like a pig in indignation. She kind of darts around like a little football player as if she's dodging tackles. As an adult she squeals a little less because I think she's realized mostly that there's no point in protesting, I'm going to pick her up anyway, but she's no less vigorous. She's the smallest chicken in my flock but she's by no means at the bottom; I've seen her take on chickens twice her size. I like her a lot but if I had anything to gripe about it would be how she treats new comers in the flock. Very few of my chickens make a point to go after new additions but she does and she's downright vicious. I think it's the bantam breeding that makes her the way she is because she definitely does not fit into the typical Brahma personality.
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Pros: Variety, Better quality, Can order small numbers compared to most hatcheries, Great customer service
Cons: Pricier than most
I used to order all my chicks through McMurray but I've switched to My Pet Chicken for a number of reasons. I had good experience with McMurray I just like My Pet Chicken better.

- Firstly I think the breed quality is better with My Pet Chicken. The chicks I’ve ordered from My Pet Chicken have far out surpassed the chicks I’ve gotten through McMurray in both temperament and looks. I realize they aren’t to be compared to what you would get through a breeder but I’m not trying to compare apples to oranges.

- You can order a very small number of chicks through My Pet Chicken and the shipping only increases if you have an order less than 15. The min order with McMurray is 25.

- My Pet Chicken has a no kill policy. They do not use male chicks as packing peanuts and they do not throw them live in garbage bags or meat grinders. They sell excess male chicks to the Amish where they are likely raised as meat birds but I believe this is a fine practice in comparison to being ground up or thrown away. I can order only pullets with a guilt free conscience. I’ve heard bad things about what McMurray does with their chicks but I can’t claim to know for sure. I did look at their website and could find no information about this matter but I assure you they have to do something with all those excess baby roosters. IMPORTANT NOTE: Unfortunately this policy has changed and no longer says "no kill" see MPC's website : I appreciate that they are still trying to address this issue in a humane way but it's still a sad update...

- My Pet Chicken has great customer service: I had a $10 chick die a day after it had arrived and My Pet Chicken refunded me the money, no questions asked. They were also very friendly and sympathetic about the loss.
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Pros: Friendly, Calm, Curious, Good Layers
Cons: Strangly Horny!
I have three Orpingtons I ordered as chicks from My Pet Chicken. They are so docile and tame! They enjoy being petted but I don't appreciate how quickly they go into mate mode as if I were a rooster! I can barely walk by without one of them squatting as if to say "I'm ready!" On the up side they've been good errr practice for my young roosters who struggle at balance; what patience they have!
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