Reviews by ctroyer

Barred Rock

Pros: Good layer, large bird, watchfull, Beautiful feathering
Cons: Can be Fiesty
Our Barred Rock Monica is definitely at the top of the pecking order. Not sure if that is the reason she is very watchful over the flock since there is no roo or if it is a breed trait. She can be a bit feisty when she wants something but it is not a problem and actually quite funny to watch. She is friendly enough but doesn't always let you pick her up. However anytime you walk into the yard she runs right up to you to find out what you are doing or if you have any treats. She is a good layer laying large brown eggs every other day to 1 every three days with the occasional back to back days. Great addition for any flock!
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Pros: Friendly, great layer, motherly
Cons: None that i cna think of yet.
Our RIR is a great bird. She was the first of our flock to start laying about a week ahead of our BR and Ameraucana. Eggs are consistent and nice size. She loves greens like spinach and kale and is very friendly. While she is not at the top of the pecking order she does act like a mother to our other two birds. This is Rachel.
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