Reviews by epeloquin

Pros: Very hardy, very healthy, excellent layers.
Cons: Flighty, can be aggro, not very personable.
I have had three Rhodies for two years now. We raised them from chicks. They do not like being handled at all and generally keep their distance. My alpha hen is one of the Rhodies. She asserts herself but is not a bully. They lay nice brown eggs averaging around 5 per week. They have not gone broody at all. They have moulted and the moult lasted several months. They are pretty birds. Given the choice again, I would reserve Rhodies for more of a farm setting where their independence and hardiness would be very desired. For a backyard flock I would probably go with a more personable breed in the future.
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Pros: Attractive, hardy, inquisitive, good with people. Good layers, overall healthy.
Cons: None
I have had Barred Plymouth Rocks for two years now. We raised them from day old chicks and they have been a delight since. As chicks and pullets they would sit on us (or our cat) all the time. They are very attractive hens. They look beautiful as they walk around our suburban yard, pecking and scratching. Quite often, one or two of them will come and sit with me when I am sitting in the yard reading. When I garden they love to get right in the soil with me to pick out the grubs. During normal conditions we get about 4-5 eggs per week from them, they are very good layers. In two years they have not gone broody yet. They moulted once and it lasted maybe three months. They are overall an excellent breed for a backyard flock. I will always have Plymouth Rocks.
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