Reviews by Farofa


Pros: Very active; good foragers; bug eaters; funny; curious, friendly; super pretty and smart; green eggs.
Cons: Small eggs; loud (2/3); "beard" gets dirty on those cup waterers.
I have 3 Ameraucanas: Pepper, Pipoca e Farofa.
  1. Farofa is the leader. She can get pretty loud when she is trying to lay or when she wants to free range.
  2. Pipoca is the second in command. The funniest of my chickens. She makes a cute little "wah-wah-wah" noise when she comes close to us. Sometimes seems she is having trouble laying, she gets anxious and pace around making some unhappy loud graspy "waaaaaah" sound. Then I grab her, give her a little petting and put her in the nesting box, and she stays there quite for a while until she lays or comes out complaining again. Loves being with the group. When let her out, and she is maybe frustrated for being locked in the run, she comes out determined, looking for trouble, straight for my garden plants, devouring them, and some reason super in a hurry, lol.
  3. Pepper is the smartest and the best forager and bug eater. She always come running towards us curious to see what we have or what we are doing. Very quiet. Rarely complains that the nesting box is occupied, but when she does... she is also pretty loud.
All tree of them let us pet their backs and are super friendly.


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    Pepper (Week 8) (7).JPG
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    Farofa (Week 8) (8).JPG
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This is an old comment so you probably already know (if you’re still around.) but your girls are Easter Eggers, NOT Ameraucanas.


Super Admin
Pros: Large chicken. Quiet. Gentle. Goofy. Very pretty and super fluffy. Lays medium eggs (Larger than Ameraucana, but smaller than ISA Brown).
Cons: Very skittish, distrusting and shy. Feet feathers get very dirty.
Tikka, my 21 week old Brahma chicken, was bullied when she was a baby, but now she is in the middle of the packing order. It takes a lot of treats and ignoring her, for her to be comfortable and come close to me. Unfortunately, I have to chase her to be able to catch her to do a mite check or apply diatomaceous earth. I try to trick her with treats and to be as gentle as possible, but still she hates being grabbed and becomes skittish again.


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    Tikka (Week 1) (1).jpg
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