Reviews by Gosy White Wings

Pros: Friendly to other geese, friendly to people, gentle and non-aggressive, lays fairly well, I think?
Cons: May get a little... TOO friendly.
We bought a embden gander quite a while back at an auction because our bleeding hearts couldn't stand to see him go to be eaten.
He meshed very well with our established flock, until he took too much of a shining to our main gander. He wanted to be with our gander ALL THE TIME and I believe that our main goose got kinda angry at him trying to steal away her mate.
In any case, we bought him an embden goose and things calmed down. The two ladies actually got along rather well, if I remember, and we even found the two of them squished into the same nesting box together!
(We eventually gave them away and settlledon simply keeping our violent toulouse geese
So all-in-all, good goose, kinda skittish, but very gentle and affectionate.
Purchase Price
A lot of money, because it was at an auction.
Pros: Big geese, hefty, makes eggs, long lived.
Cons: Angry, bites, keeps making a lot of babies.
We've had toulouse geese for years now, with one that we've owned since the beginning still laying eggs.
They have a wide variety of personalities, and if you're willing to take a bit of a beating, they can be subdued fairly quickly.
However, every single year, our goose gets broody, and her mate gets all protective, and in general, it's a bad time.
Too many babies.
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